From airlie beach we took the overnight bus to Hervey bay arriving at 5.30 in the morning at our hostel which was part of our package and we were allowed to check in there and then luckily! We didn't really do anything that day, Hervey bay is quite small, we just had a look around and watched dvd's.
The next day we started our fraser island expedition which turned out to be one of the real highlights of our trip so far. Getting up at 6.30, being given a 1hr 30 min safety briefing then we were put into groups which we chose, consisiting of paddy & mairead (who were on our whitsundays boat) 2 canadians who we met in our dorm and then 2 italians. Once in the jeeps which were parked up at the hostel we went to the loading bay, then supermarket to stock up then onto the barge. Once off the barge we were immediately in at the deep end with thin tarcks with soft sand causing the 4x4 too rock a lot as we made our way to Lake McKenzie a lake in the middle of the island. Lake McKenzie was awesome, with crystal clear water and white sand. Many cameras have been claimed victim to the sand on fraser island but luckily mine survived with the heklp of a zippy bag. When we were all ball gamed out we had lunch, the highlight of which was when meghan (our candian friend) left her handbag unattended, leaving way to an opportunist dingo which grabbed a pack of starburst sweets before hastily leaving the scene of the crime. There was a good pic of this dingo with his eyes clearly on the prize, but i'm not sure who has it. After this we drove for about 1.5 hrs to 75 mile beach, which is a registered highway with a speed limit of 80k which is fairly generous. We found a camp site and set our selves up before having pasta. That night we sat around played a few games and drank some wine or 'goon' as its called ere. We had a sand fight which wasn't good for pierres eyes then retired to bed.
The second day we went to Indian point where we took a shed load of photos, saw dolphins and manta rays in the water then to the champagne pools which is basicallly a big rock pool which has a chamagne effect everytime the waves break hence the name. Then onto marinhoe shipwreck and the pinnacles which wasn't worth the 2min stop we gave it. Then we set up tent had some curry. After this one of the italians was confronted by a dingo, then ran away from it falling into a hole we had created for the disposal of food waste etc, then thinking she was going to be eaten alive through her flip flop at the dingo and scared it off, she spent the rest of the night looking for it whilst listening to comments such as 'on est pistole' (i have a pistol in italian) and other mafia talk. That night we palyed games and acted a little silly before getting our heads down for the night under the stars and not the tent. This meant we were awake for sunrise which was pretty cool even though i wasn't feeling too perky. That day we wentr to wong creek where the is a huge slope going down into a lake. Here we rolled down the slope, constructed sand ramps to jump down the slope and into the water and body boarded down. Needless to say some action shots were taken. We then returned back to Lake McKenzie for a dip/sunbathing then back to the barge and home to the hostel. We stayed there for another 2 nights, again not really achieving anything apart from setting off the firealrm at 5.00 in the morning as our bus to brizvegas was at 5.30.
Arriving at brisbane at midday, we walked up to cousin nicks apartment where flatmate pete let us in, we saw they had an xbox 360 and nintendo wii so this was responsible for our time for the rest of the day preytty much except a trip to the groceries store. Nick got home and very kindly got us a take away pizza and watched a movie etc. Thurs night, as nick was working late declan (our cambodian travel bud) showed us what student night in bris is all about which was really good fun and good to catch up with him.
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