Long post - cant be bothered to split it up have a lot to catch up!
We left Puerto Iguazu at 4am no joke. I didnt even bother packing my sleeping bag i just took it on the truck and slept the whole day. slept a little too much actually because i didnt sleep well at all that night. But we basically drove all day - may have even had a truck lunch in order to cover more ground. That means that the truck doesnt even stop, we just eat sandwiches and cereal bars. Its pretty rubbish.
Anyway we had a free camping that night. So thats living on the side of the motorway at a truck stop. But this was honestly the worst camp of my life. It was bitterly cold and the bathrooms were disgusting and really far. Usually there are dogs everywhere we go and we never have problems with them. But at that place they kept peeing on stuff and barking and wouldnt leave our food alone. Luckily they never bite or anything so theyre just ugly and annoying.
So yeah we packed up early again and left so get to Salta. I think we had covered 900km the day before so there was 600km left. We basically drove across Argentina! That kind of sucks too but ill see it some day. Annas already offered to come back out with me! :) My best tip is hit Argentina in summer or it is COLD. I practically got frostbite from putting down that tent.
Anyway we arrived in Salta and pitched up camp. There also was a tour group called Oasis, the driver of their tour is Heinz boyfriend so it was good times for her and good times for us cos this campsite was NICE. The bathroom was lovely and had hot water. There was lighting and dry ground so basically perfect.
We went out that night in Salta, had pre drinks in the town and then went for steak and wine at a lovely restaurant. The town is beautiful. I also got some laundry done so thats was great. We went out to a bar after to kill time and wait for the clubs to open. However everyone peaked a little early and apparantly the clubs arent good on a monday night so we just ended up going home after the bar. It was a great night anyway and good fun to get dressed up and go out for a change - I look like a mess pretty much 24 7 atm.
We had the next 2 days as free days to enjoy our time in Salta so i took the next day to recover and lie in the SUN. Yep it was baking during the day which i obviously love and just slept in the sun/shade all day - dont want a Portugal repeat! However thatr night it was decided that we would leave at 3pm the next day for Salta Rafting which meant that I only had a half day to enjoy Salta as Id wasted my first day. I was a little annoyed but it beat staying in Salta another night only to leave early for Salta Rafting the next morning.
I managed to do a lot in my half day though and picked up my laundry, had a cappuchino in the square, got a few more supplies, visited the church, cathedral, park, used internet, tried out the local busses and had a laugh with Nat and Christophe. It was pretty funny - we were trying to get back on time and managed to turn down the wrong road. In a rush we ended up jumping down off a little brigde and following a dried up river to cut the corner. Worked anyway! Bela would have left without us!
Erm then we drove on to Salta rafting up high in the mountains where we pitched up camp before dark and enjoyed dinner. The Oasis group were also there and ended up joining us around the campfire. Turns out theres like 5 or 6 18 year old in their tour, most of them from london! I was chatting to one of them about how i wanted to go to nottingham and she said someone else was starting there in september. I went to chat to him and the conversation went something like this
¨so where are you from?¨
¨Oh where in London?¨
¨North London¨
¨Really me too where in north london?¨
¨No way. Where in Barnet¨
Turns out they were 2 QE Boys from High Barnet. Im in the mountains in Argentina and I meet people from Barnet! Its crazy. Theyre friends with Fatima´s brother and James works at Waitrose with Pea and Hannah. Small world I guess. Pretty fun night with that lot seems strange to not be with adults for me now!
Ill write about today in another blog because I dont want to lose all this writing.
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