Hi both, youre tennis pics are good. Youre both looking good, Lauren is spot on Phil you do look like Jay-Z again. Went out last night and I drove again and guess what we had snow again. Have a nice time watching the tennis speak to you soon take care. xxxxxxx
You're so tanned! Phil, at first I thought you had gone in fancy dress as Jay-Z again!! X
Great to see the tennis pics. Lucky things I would love to go see them live. Fab pic of Roger - he is so gorgeous LOL I haven't watched any of the tennis so am puzzled as to what they are all doing on the floor in the picture near the end of the album???? answers from any bloggers please? P.S. being 53.9 is not bat either LOL
Take Care and carry on enjoying love Jan Jack and Joannexx
Hiya. Loved the tennis photos. Looked like fun days out. Is that Serena Williams? Big girl isn't she - makes Federer look quite weedy!!! You are now officially Andy Murrays lucky mascots so we'll all be rooting for him on Sunday - even though I'm more of a Federer fan myself.
Take care.Love you xxxxxxxxxx
Petra & Leyton
Thanks Pauline & David . Leyton says he has to agree with you about all the best people are 53, fortunatley I have another 3 before I agree with all.
David & Pauline
Happy birthday Leyton, all the best people are 53
Hi both just to let you know the card came today for dadi he will be chuffed cant beliveve hes 53 tomorrow glad youre having a nice time, speak to you soon xxxx
Hiya. Hope you are not too upset with Roddick's defeat. Can you bear to change your allegiance to the other Andy - no I thought not. Come on Duh-jokovic!!!!!!
17 days to go - yahoo!!!! Speak soon. Love you xxxx
Mami & Dadi
Hi Phil/Rhi Happy Australian Day hope your both ok and having a good time. Speak to you soon .
Poppy Ace
Meeeeooowwwww! Hiya Rhi and Phil! Today I was a bad girl, Daddy got really mad at me cos I was chewing the wires on his computer and I think I might have accidently pulled the internet connection out, ooops! He got pretty mad, and made me go sleep upstairs on M&D's bed instead. I'm feeling pretty sorry now, so I've left a little present for him under his pillow! Do you think he'll be pleased RhiRhi? I'm not sure whether I'll go back into the computer room again now, I think I'll see how he is later on! Missing you, your cuddles the most Rhi! Meeeeooow for now! X
Hello down there!! I'm thinking of digging a hole in my back garden, just going to keep going until I get to Oz! What do you think? xxx
Missed you last night Phil, could have done with a lift but never mind I drove and your dad had a drink his first one since 28th of December. Hope youre both ok and having a good time, Rita has got the atlas out and looking where you are now, shes also watching the tennis looking out for a welsh flag eventhough I have told her youre not there now anyway have a good time speak to you soon Take care the both of you xxxxx