Heyya Rhiannon and Phil! Hope your having fun. Hope the weather is better there than it is in Hull! lol
Love to u both from all of us in Hull
PS Q why did lauren post her message twice A she couldn't get the spam sum right
Hi you blogging bloggers, I wanted my own handle so mummey remembered that Phil calls me Les behind my back when talking to Rhi. We've passed the blog details around a lot over the last couple of days so lets hope you get flooded with messages, better than flooded with rain like everyone back home. Get those campervan pics up
xxx Daddy
Hola Chicos! Still no blog, you're both useless!! Auckland looks cool! Hope you like the camper van! Bo, I raided your wardrobe today, Tag raided your jewellery, snooze you lose!
Keep having fun, speak to you soon xxx
Hola Chicos! Still no blog, you're both useless!! Auckland looks cool! Hope you like the camper van! Bo, I raided your wardrobe today, Tag raided your jewellery, snooze you lose!
Keep having fun, speak to you soon xxx
Colin & Janet
Hi there, have lovely time, keep safe.
Colin & Janet
The Norlings
Hi to you both, sorry we didn't say goodbye phil! have you managed to lie on a beach yet or are you too busy watching neighbours/home and away? enjoy
luv to you both xx
Stop messing about and get to the pub. Remember when you get down to Rotorua you need to go an see my brother. Have a good time and watch out for the hot sun !!!!!
Best regards, Ches & Bethan
Petra Hughes
Hi both your looking good you need to write something of what you have been up to keep safe Mami xx
Mumsie & Co
Hiya you two! just testing if this works! Looked at your photos - liked them, particularly the ones with the funny hats :-) You need to post some blogs tho :-) speak to you soon xxx