What about a weather swap???? Hope you've got as much sun cream as we have de-icer!!!! 43degrees is unimaginable here at the moment unless you put the - before it.......
4p.m. and it is snowing here again, looking out the front window and cant see across the street. You might be melting in Melbourne but we are cold here. take care xx
109.4 degrees boiling hot
Put another shrimp on the barbie on second thoughts better not Phil she's probably hot enough already. Can't believe the heat you are getting, but make the most of it your forecast for later this week is for the temperature to halve. Temp today on teletext was 43c, can't even begin to do the maths for that in farenheight better ask Lauren. Brisbane and Cairns both about 32c which seems cool in comparison. Vegas is booked for July but you better watch Rachel and Mike cos they both got cleaned out by Mumsie on the Xmas blackjack. She cleaned Me, Tom and Lauren out as well, bank never loses. If you didn't know, Brit girl Laura Robson got a wildcard for Aussie Open so that would be a good outside court game to try and get to see, if you can tear yourselves away from Andy !!! Thats Rodd*** by the way not Murray to all you bloggers.
Speak soon xxxx Dad
Hi both computer sorted had to have new modem so you can skype me now. Heard youre melting in the heat of Melbourne we are freezing cold here and they have forecasted more snow tomorrow. Lovely photos of Sydney have seen them properly now. Have a good time and take care xxxxx
FAB photo's from Sydney - loved the Xmas hats and your Xmas table looked lovely too - must've been strange though in all that heat! Rhiannon do you think your mum n dad will have room for a few stowaways in their cases? Carry on having a great time and take care.
Jan Jack and Joanne xx
hi both lucky you with all that nice weather in Melbourne, getting fed up with the ice and snow now. Dad said your flat or apartment looked nice on skype, I was in work when you spoke to him / Sydney looked lovely take care xxxx
hi both lucky you with all that nice weather in Melbourne, getting fed up with the ice and snow now. Dad said your flat or apartment looked nice on skype, I was in work when you spoke to him / Sydney looked lovely take care xxxx
I'm looking out of the window at our blue skies and pretending we've got your 35 degree temperatures - that's pretty hot! Loved the new photos and blog. I'm not too jealous though cos I will be there soon - 36 days and counting down. Can't wait! Love you xxxxx
Just switched off skype and now get to see your first Australia photos and blog. Don't need any diets after xmas when you do it Aussie style. Glad you liked the Sydney apartment, and from your blog it looks like you are taking us to Manley in March. Aussies made a comeback and beat Pakistan but I think it all went the other way the day you were there. The Poms are hanging on in South Africa, just !! Have a great time in Melbourne, St Kilda sounds really ace. xxxx
Aunty Janet
Well now everyone knows how old I am thanks to that big mouth from Skewen ( your mother Philip and my sister). So glad that the two of you are enjoying yourselves so much in Ausatralia. We've got 3 inches of snow here in Provence today so its not only the UK that's suffering. A belated Happy New Year to you.