Woke up and Andy had already shot off to make his way to the airport, sad times. Molly was also packing up shop to go to her festival so I then did a quick pack of my gear and was good to go, Molly dropped me in downtown at the new hostel and we said our goodbyes too, she shot off and I got checked in to the hostel. It was quite quiet and there were only a couple people around so I decided to have a bit of time to myself and packed a quick lunch, put my iPod on and took a stroll to Balboa park. It was probably about a decent 25 minute walk but the weather was nice so no complaints! I found a decent a spot to read a bit and then tuck into my sandwiches, after lunch I took a stroll all around the park, it was pretty huge and had a lot to offer with art museums and botanical gardens, the buildings here were all really nice too and I also visited the gardens and water features, I'd been at the park a good few hours when I decided to head back to the hostel around 5pm. When I got back a group had checked in and they were a pretty friendly bunch so I hung out with them a little bit, an Aussie Jeanie, Irish chap Andrew and 3 Danes Chris, Joey and Sarah. We got a few cheap beers and got drinking on the roof patio whilst we still had a bit of sun, I wasn't going heavy so just had a couple of beers and then we went out to a bar where I had another beer, the Danes went pretty big and we got a bit separated from the drunk Danes, then Andrews fake id fell through at a bar so me him and Jeanie decided to call it a night, the guys were hungry so we swung by del taco on the way home and got some cheap munch, we made it back and watched a skate board film on Jeanie's laptop and then called it a night
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