Birthday! I was up super early at 5am to do the sunrise walk with Rosie and some other people from the hostel, the lighthouse at Byron is the most eastern part of the country so first to see the sunrise, it was a little bit cloudy but besides that it was a really nice morning! After we rather the sunrise we came back to the hostel and I shoved I some trainers as I was off to my skydive today!!! I was jumping out a plane at 14,000ft and was super pumped to do so! We got a brief training course and then shoved on some parachute pants and before I knew it we were in the air! I had a dedicated filmer so when me and my tandem jumped out he followed and film the whole free fall! A whole minute and it felt incredible! We then landed and I got my DVD and when we got back to Byron my heart was still racing and I watched it at travel bugs! I came back to the hostel and got an hours nap and then chilled in the pool and then split a crate of beer with Rosie, the night continued with me getting targeted in all drinking games and getting pretty messy, got to woodys and people from the hostel were buying me drinks... Then my night goes a bit blurry, but I'm sure it was fun!
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