Getting Back to Puerto Natales
Bus back to intersection at 930am. 15 mins. Then had to wait till 230pm(!!!) to get the next bus that would take us back to Puerto Natales. During this long time I chatted to the French girls more as they were doing the same journey as me (I). We found another short walk and a beautiful waterfall which I COULDN'T get close to. Incredibly frustrating. We got back at around 4ish and I suggested we meet up for a drink later. We exchanged email addresses and went our own ways. I checked the buses to Ushuaia while I was at the bus station and there was one that left tomorrow morning at 7am. I booked it. It was unclear how long the journey would be. I had been told by others, 20 hours but I got the impression by the booking lady it was only 14 hours. Oh well, lets see.
So all I needed to do next was get to my hostel, find my laundry ticket, collect my lovely fresh laundry, shower and then chill til it was time to meet the girls. I was really looking forward to hanging out with them cos that's one thing I definitely miss. Girly chit chat. So I got to the hostel where the lovely Maria had made up the same bed for me, found my laundry ticket and went round the corner to collect my laundry. It was closed. Sunday. Opens tomorrow at 10am.
I stood outside with my head in my hands saying s*** over and over again. What do I do now?? I'm on the 7am bus! I wandered slowly back to Maria's. The ticket had a phone number on it. Maybe just maybe....? I explained my situation, very dramatically, to Maria who called the number for me. It rang and rang and rang and then finally was answered!! The call sounded positive. Maria gave my details and told me it was the husband she was talking to and the wife would be home in an hour. He would call us back then. Great. I'll get in the shower and then chill for an hour. In the shower, washing away all the aches and pains of the previous day, hair full of bubbles there's a knock at the door. "PAULINA!! DIEZ MINUTOS!!!" OMG so nice relaxing shower over with then...out I got, threw on my same clothes (I've discovered though, it's not always necessary to put clean clothes on after a shower. I always wondered about the scrotes at work, why they had showers if they had no clean clothes. What was the point I thought. Now I know) I couldn't BEAR putting on the same socks tho so I dived round the corner and YEY, the husband was there and gave me my clothes. Phew.
With the bus booking, the laundry hassle etc it was now 7pm. My laptop was playing funny b*****s and not charging, or even starting cos it was that low. Ok I said to it. I'll give you till 730 then i need to contact the girls re beers.
I settled down to read my book after all the excitement then realised there was wifi on my kindle which I've never used before. Maybe I can log into my email account that way. It took forever and was very complicated but I managed to log in. It was now 720. Email from Helena saying we'll be at the church at 730 but no more wifi. AAaaargghhh. Book down. Ask Maria where church is. Go!
Lol I made it, sweaty and flustered. Then continued to have a fab 2 or 3 hours of girly chatting. Was just what I needed. I hadn't heard myself laugh in such a long time. Although Polly and I have definitely giggled once or twice.
My bottom lip is painful. I think it's the result of zero sunscreen all day yesterday. I'm sure a cold sore is on it's way. I've managed to avoid one til now tho so can't complain.
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