This place could be any major fashionable westernised city but we dont have the time or money to browse through the boutiques as we are only stopping here briefly to buy camping equipment and get done all the things you can only do in a major city before we race on to Patagonia. We really need to get there before the last of the wildlife migrates for winter. The most important job was crossed of our list within moments of us finding a cheap hostel. Katie got a professional haitcut! Later that evening we ticked off number two on the list... We ate well on a feast of Argentina's finest cow. Day two was a frantic visit to all camping supply stores in the city to get the warmest and lightest tent we could find for the best price. The accomodation prices soar as you head south so we will be spending a lot of time under canvass huddled around candles for warmth. Finally we managed to get hold of one of Rita's (Katie's Mum) friends called Mariane. She lives just outside the city centre and kindly agreed to look after a lot of our "surplus to requirement" stuff whilst we were in Patagonia so we could travel light on our treks. Next stop the home of the Penguins!
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