The trip started well. The run from elizabeth to kimba was very smooth. We headed off through Clare to Laura. At Laura we visited the grave of Careys great Aunt and Uncle to pay our respect. I also walked around the cemetry and found metal plaques now showing the resting places of other famil members from the early 1900 and late 1800s. Aunty Edna said most of the graves of the Venables family are no marked because they were a poor family in the Laura community. After this we headed up to Wilmington and onto Port Augusta. The trip Carey's great grandfather wouldve done with a bullock team. From Port Augusta we headed towards Kimba passing Iron k*** which is a mining town on the side of the highway. Carey's dad spent his toddler years here. I think Carey's grandmother had to have been one tough cookie to travel out to the middle of nowhere and live with her children. In the 1930s there weren't many cars and the train had only just started running out there.
We reached KImba which is halfway across australia and settled in for the night. We were upgraded to a more expensive room. Thank you very much. Had an okay night. Always hard first night away from home.
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