Blog 89
A day of doing what we now do best...Travelling! Lots of cramped local buses later we arrived in cool drizzly Dalhousie. Bliss after the hot sticky plastic covered seats of the buses. A nice restful evening including an absolute feast of a buffet prepared by the 75 year old guest house owner and her two 14 year old helpers from the town, who undoubtedly devoured our leftovers.
Slightly less black baggy eyed after 3 hours sleep we donned the walking boots and waterproofs and switched on the head torches and stepped out into the night to begin our assent of Adam's Peak in time for sunrise at the top. Just over 2 and a half hours later and 5200 steps climbed we reached our 2243m elevation and the temple at the top. The hike up was a continuous on/off of clothes. Rain/no rain. Waterproofs/too hot for waterproofs maybe I should just get wet/that's one less layer for leeches to get through. Whilst waiting for the sun to make it's appearance we compared Bryn's two leech bites with interested hikers. The Leech that I found on me was about 1cm long and 2mm wide (no blood taken) the one we found on Bryn was the size of my thumb and bulbous with his blood! The sun rose and we descended back with Dalhousie with achey and trembling knees and legs.
After showering off and feeling much more refreshed, we devoured the breakfast prepared by our little lady and jumped aboard a £6 tuk tuk. An easy hour and a half later we arrived in Hatton at the train station. Our legs by this time couldn't stop shaking after the Adams Peak descent. What we needed was a seat on the train to rest our weary muscles for the 4 hours. In fact we even found it difficult to find somewhere to stand...
In need of some R and R in Ella now!
Love Jo x
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