Today we continued our theme of heights (what am I thinking when I book these activities!) and headed to "Rock N Ropes" I think the pictures explain better than I can about what you actually do! I will say it was scarier than the bungee for me because of the height and for Olof because I was belaying him!
I managed to do all the tasks, walking along the rickety bridge, the wire and log, the guy that takes it was really good at giving you tips and encouraging you! The two big things of the day were the trapeze and the giant swing! I climbing to the top of the pole for the trapeze and stood there for ten minutes chatting away but not able to jump off and catch the trapeze in the end I just sort of stepped off! Olof obviously caught the trapeze first time! It is a strange feeling as the guy said whether you do a massive jump and go for it or you just step off you're still trusting the same two ropes to get you down safely, its all in the mind! The giant swing I decided not to do I'd had enough of this heights thing for one day but Olof did and said it was so much fun like a giant playground swing!
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