Hej I dag har vi åkt runt ön för att speciellt titta på North Shore som alla rekomenderar och tycker är grymt.
Vi startade dagen med lite frulle och hoppade in i hyrbilen som vi hyrt med två andra Britiska tjejer. Vi kör norr ut på H1 som vägen kallas här, hoppar över till H2 och riksväg 83 och ett helt nytt landskap öppnar sig. Vi kommer ända in på bergen och regnskogen som e grymt vackert.
Vi började med att köra till Turtle Bay som vi blev rekomenderade från olika håll. Det sades att det skulle vara ett bra ställe att se havs sköldpaddor. Men inte, fick inte se en enda och när man pratade med lokal befolkningen sa dem att det visst kom sköldpaddor hit men inte så ofta som vi kanske trodde. Så efter detta gick vi inte på rekomendationer mer utan körde runt och stannade lite på måfå när vi tyckte att det var vackert aller kännde för det.
Det var en grymt härlig dag och vi fick se många platser som man inte ser varje dag, includerat en av sinspelnings platserna för jurrasic park!!!
So i've been very lazy with writing about what we've been doing the last few days so having a blogging session now to update all the english speaking people!
Today we decided on renting a car with a couple of girls we met at the hostel so we could split the costs and get to see a bit more of the island! We headed up to the North Shore to a place called Turtle Bay which we'd heard was really nice the bay in itself is now a big hotel complex so a bit of a let down but me and Olof walked along the beach for about twenty minutes and didnt see another person so it was lovely and peaceful and we had fun acting like kids playing in the sand! Back in the car we decided to drive the coast road back down the east of the island and there were some gorgeous views of the ocean and mountains (where Jurassic Park was partly filmed), we stopped at some of the road side beaches before going to a state park where there is a camp site right in between the mountains and the ocean which was really nice! The highway heads inland and the tunnel goes through the mountains where we had amazing views and the tops of the mountains were above the clouds! One side of the tunnel was perfect sunshine on the other it was raining! Unfortunately the day went past too quickly we'd found locations of the internet where Lost was filmed and they have left parts of the set up for you to see but we didnt make it to them places as they were on the West coast!
Back in town we used the luxury of having a car to go to the supermarket and buy our food for the week, its so nice to be able to buy some fresh fruit and meat instead of eating the cans of stuff from the tourist supermarkets!
It was good to see other parts of the island away from the city and I think literally every house along the beach front me and Olof said we'd live in even the sheds!
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