Okay, I havent been able to write for a few days due to being very tired from all the sunbathing we've been doing...its a hard life!
Love it here in Hawaii, definitely a place I could see myself coming to for a holiday and maybe doing a week in Waikiki and a week on one of the other islands! I hope I'm not saying this about every place otherwise there will be some expensive holidays to save for!
So what have we been doing, mainly lying on the beach, reading and playing in the sea, Olof's been on the body board obviously he's an expert now! We took a walk to find the Safeways here today, as we cant just live on Spaghetti Bolognese which we've had the last two days need a little variety at least! We didnt find it, will try again tomorrow now we have directions! At breakfast Olofs taking full advantage of it being free and eating loads of toast also it has become our ritual to sit for a hour r so drinking coffee and chatting but i
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