I think this is exactly what I needed. The past 4 weeks have been pretty full on and I haven't had any me time. I'll be the first to admit that I 'suffer' from male PMT and so spending a week in Byron in a hostel sharing a room for 6 wasn't great. The prices didn't help and being alone most of the time wasn't the greatest. My last couple of days definitely picked up though but I was glad to get back on the road and the f*** out of there. We drove through Surfer's Paradise. A bunch of people got off but I stayed on the bus as I was told that it was extremely tacky although i would have liked to have seen the meter girls What a great idea... We stopped about 45 mins out of Surfers to go zorbing. It was ok. Not as mind blowing as I thought it would be. I'll post a video soon. Getting to brisbane was definitely a welcome change. I think it gets a bad rap but I was't necessarily here for the sights/nightlife or whatever. I'm lucky enough to have family here so I am very kindly being put up by my aunt and uncle. I have eaten soooo well since getting here. i was getting f***ing sick of noodles. It has been too expenmsive to buy fresh ingredients and cook for one. Not to mention slightly depressing and snooty to most casual observers. I also have a double bed and my own bedroom and bathroom. Rock on. I have spent a couple of days wondering the city and buying bits and pieces that i didn't think were neccesary before I left the UK. Infact, I'm going to an outlet mall tomorrow. The other night I went for dinner with my cousin and his wife (40 year olds but relatively young at heart). They failed to mention that we would be dining with members of their church group. I'm so glad I didn't wear my 'Jesus is my Homeboy' t shirt. I went to mass today for the 1st time in probably 10 years. I still remember all the words to all the stuff that is said. Going to church wouldn't have been high on my list of priorities in Australia but I suppose it makes for a cultural experience. I booked my buses right up to Hervey bay today. I leave Brisbane on friday morning so I should have recharged sufficiently for the onslaughty that will no doubt follow when I get my ass to fraser island. Saul Goode.
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