Early start for our trip up North to the Pinnacles and Sand Dunes.
Got the bus at 7:20am, stopped at Caversham National Park to see the Kangaroos, Koala Bears and a Wombat.
We fed the Kangaroos and the Koala Bears were still a little sleepy cos it was 8:30am.. they sleep for 16-20 hours a day! Wot a life...
Back on the bus.... for 3 hours.. the weather was the best we've had since we landed and we were stuck on a bus! Boys were not impressed!
Stopped for lunch at the Lobster Shack, this is a lobster factory where they catch and process the LIVE lobster for export to Europe and the US. We got to spend 30 mins on the beach.. fantastic turquoise waters and pure white sand, it eased the pain of a bus journey a little.
Onto the bus again to head to the Pinnacles, these are thousands of limestone pillars sticking out of the sand in the middle of the desert. They are formed naturally from erosion. Pretty impressive.
We got to spend an hour and a half here, soaking up the sun in the desert! It was hot.. dead heat, about 35 degrees.
Then onto Lancelin for the 4WD in the sand dunes, we thought there would be Jeeps, but no.. our bus was one of the largest 4WD vehicles!!!!
After our spins up and down the dunes, not incredibly exciting, we got to try sand boarding down the sand dunes using sand boards.... I got absolutely hammered coming down, nearly winded myself! Then Mark followed suit but smashed his face into the sand... he looked like a sandman, covered from head to toe! This sand was like powder it was pure white so it sticks to everything and takes a proper shower to wash off!
We headed for home.. got back to Perth at 7:30pm.. very long day.
The boys wouldn't have gone if they thought we'd be spending the majority of time on a bus! Ah well....
Weather has picked up and it's expected to be HOT for the next 2 days... christmas eve and christmas day, where we plan to spend it on the beach!
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