Today I spent 8 hours on a coach and 2 hours on a boat, just to see a bigger, colder version of Halong Bay!
It was pretty and I did see a penguin and lots of seals, but my god was it a long day. Especially with a bit of a hangover. Damn Bundy!
Kinda wish I'd done the glaziers
Ho hum
Got some good pictures though. I forgot how happy I am when I've got a camera in my hand. I bloody love it.
I wish I could just spend my life travelling and taking photos. Not for money, just for the love of it!
I feel sorry for you poor folk who shall be subjected to having to view them ALL
Apparently until this weekend I hadnt seen any actual snow capped mahoosive mountains before. They're very pretty and according to my memory card I sem a little bit obsessed with waterfalls!
Ooh and in case you wondered what a "sound" is, its a body of water created by rivers, yet filled by the sea. Milford is actually a fjord as it was created by glaCiers [corrected thanks to Andy] not rivers.
Anyhoo, I think I might be all New Zealanded out now. I'm ready to go.
I have definately seen enough sheep to last me a while. Thousands and thousands of them today!
Lambs are possibly the cutest baby animals of all. They lollop about like toddlers and I swear you can see them actually smiling as they play. Plus they do random jumps in the middle of their runs, which is awesome! haha
I'm pretty glad I found B1 and B2. I sat and watched the NFL final and the Ireland vs Italy games with them and their other two mates. They're a nice bunch
Definately beats sitting on my own. Although I'm really into the book I'm reading at the moment.
Long live the Kindle!
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