Day 165, 16 December 2012, Cesky Krumlov (Czech Republic). We enjoyed a well deserved sleep in this morning in our attic room at U Namesti Penzion. The building was constructed in 1530 by adding to a town wall that dated from the 13th century. Fairly sure this is the most ancient place we've actually stayed in so far. On the other hand, the furniture was constructed via an Ikea catalogue quite recently! The streets here fairly rumble with history and it is one of the places we have no urge to go traipsing around museums - we are in a living museum. We spent a lazy morning (by our standards), roaming around the historic, UNESCO listed old town and up to the Castle for a look. Our latest discovery in terms of small, easy to carry souvenirs, is Moldavite. No - not a multi-vitamin that has been left out of its bottle too long (see the picture above). In fact a gemstone found nowhere else in the world and named after the Moldau Valley area where it was discovered in the 1800s. It was formed when a meteor impacted the earth roughly 14.7 million years ago. We happily looked in almost every jewellery store in town investigating Christmas gifts for each other. We shall sleep on it. It was time for a rest prior to heading out for dinner and Christmas market. Unfortunately we discovered that bus loads of tourists during the day on a Sunday actually equates to 90% of the restaurants being closed by 6 pm. Ended up back at last night's restaurant. Again. Mushroom pizza. Should have expected the corn and capsicum. Oddly, very nice. Right. Off to crunch the numbers on the Christmas presents... (For anyone who's interested here is the down low on Moldavite... next thing you know they will say it makes you taller, stronger and more attractive to the opposite sex!)
Moldavite makes one aware of ones spiritual being.
Moldavite helps an individual achieve ones career path.
Moldavite is known to heal pollution in todays modern world.
Moldavite is known to help an individual to quit smoking.
Moldavite also brings harmony to couples with marital problems.
Moldavite is a healing tool for ones relationship with others and the alignment of harmonious relationship with the environment and the divine.
Moldavite is around 14 million years old. It is a silica-based tektite, a mineral formed when a meteorite (a rock from space) struck the Earth's surface, melted, and fused with surrounding rock. Moldavite is only found in Bohemia (the Czech Republic) in the Ries Crater in the Moldau River valley (which it was named for). Moldavite was discovered in the late 1800's; the meteorite from which it formed hit the Earth about 14.7 million years ago.
The stone is considered lucky to its owner and brings good fortune.
Moldavite is a rare, glassy, translucent, dark green gemstone with unique patterns.
Moldavite has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.6. Inclusions of gas bubbles and iron/nickel spherules are common. This natural glass has been used for jewellery, religious articles, and decorative objects since prehistoric times.
Moldavite boosts up and enhances the development of the being in a spiritual and meta-spiritual nature. It allows one to access the energies of inner dimensional and extraterrestrial beings.
Physically, it helps the body grow more balanced and helps in the absorption of vitamin B complex and in regulating irregularities of the heart. Emotionally, it accelerates the ability to feel messages from beyond. It balances all the chakras and changes negative energy, opening the vast amount of support available beyond our perceived boundaries.
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