Hi both - I have send an e-mail on msm, have you got it? Thanks for the card Andrew
Hollyoaks update! Tony cheated on Jackie with Mercedes! love you both, Andrew your fellow liverpool lover and oasis fan (not me!) Mat says hi. xxx
ps By the way Emma looking at your blog posts you spell paradise with an S not a C not such a thicko after all Once a teacher always a ........
Just to show us thickos in Bempton know how use a Blog hope all is well had a bit of a problem solving the sum but mum lent me her fingers as my fingers hurt with all this typing keep safe love dad xx
I am very jealous now. Glad you got there safe. Waiting for M&D to come for tea. Havin spag bol. Hope the food is nice there. Love you both Katie X x
Hope you are ok just a bit of news for andrew Liverpool 8-0 Besiktas what a result ! speak to you soon take care Dad
Hi both - it is mummy here again! you will be fed up of me soon Ha! just watching Holby, someone has an ingrowing toenail so he is bound to die!!!!
Hi dudes! missing you already! hope you are having a wonderful time! i got beaten up by the dentist yesterday, i had to have a tooth removed and im all bruised! oh oasis are pants by the way! muchos loves xxxxxxxxx
Wow sounds amazing out there, relax and enjoy xXx
Big Love xXx
here i am again, i told you you would hear from me alot. I hope the journey was ok - it is now 18.15 Monday i am just about to go to aqua aerobics so it is short and sweet. Lots of love to both of you. Mom Elizabeth X X X
Take care of each other
Love Dad
Hi I hope you are both ok after your long flights.Ive got some news for you old Doms been knocked of Strictly!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep you in touch as i know you are both totaly engrossed with the show