Hi guys hope you are both ok! i am just writing to tell you how much i miss you and that i think of you everyday! no exciting news here! wink! love ya! Em, email me when you can! xxxxxx
Might minted peas be peas with mint? Enjoyed the post - good luck with the cats.
Auntie Valerie
Glad you are having a wonderful time. The Cook Islands sounded magic. Take care. love A. Valerie & U. Peter.
Hi to you both,And doesn,t like to be up high Em so i think a sky dive would be tooo much for him.However if he does decide to do it please don't tell me till after!!!!luv always Mum,Sue.xxxxx
Have just got your blog off your mom, what a fab site! I am greeeen with envy you lucky pair. Make the most of it and enjoy every minute. Love the piccys keep them up. Have been following you on the globe, took me ages to find the Cook Islands(should have brought a better globe)! Your mom gives me a weekly report on your adventures but now i've seen the piccys it makes it soooo real. Take Care love Julie at the lovely Post Office. xxx
Hi Emma and Andrew. Hope you are both well. It looks like you're having a good time. Photos look great. Love to you both from Tim Linda & Jen
Bad news And England out of cup LOST 2 3 Pathetic it were Lad you Emma and grandma could have played better If we'd played grandad we might well have won Photos great a bit good eh!! But for heavens sake put a nice face on Emma and buy her two bags for a shilling!!! keep safe and enjoy love daddy
sorry richard and tanya we will have to e=mail strictly results so not to spoil it but we know you need know as soon as possible emma (and andrew really although he pretends not to) hehe xx xx xx
Eventually have got on to site! Misread your mom's writing and thought it was nipondem - couldn't understand why the ant or japanese reference! Photos look beautiful - wish i was there apart from the graveyard of course! - although saying that it still looked livelier than work! take care diane cannock
Love the photo's, it looks far more fun than Cannock i tell thee! Hope you are both well! i made stew for the first time today and it was lovely! and you cant have none nanananana! (i could post it to you but i think it would be mouldy by the time it got there!) have fun xxxx
I was going to ask you if you have fed the birds. that picture proves that you have not... can't you sneek one little crumb for them? The pictures are brill. Hope you are both ok. Speak soon. Love you both Katie Big Sis xxx
Emma And Andrew
To my parents...i have received a request from Richard and Tanya that you postpone your posting of the strictly results until they have watched the programmes they record...i do not know how long this takes! perhaps you should email instead of blogging, as some people are behind in their viewing! Thank you. love to all x