Feed the birds twopence a bag. twopence, twopence, twopence a bag. Feed the birds twopence a bag. twopence, twopence, twopence a bag. DON'T FORGET!!!
Hi you two. Hope your journey wasn't to bad and where you are now is nice. Think of us here in England freezing. I heard that Emma was already shouting at you Andrew at the airport before you left (I hope you get use to it). I haven't stopped crying yet but I will eventually. Hope you have a wicked time. Don't forget those birds. You best feed them well. Love you both loads. Love Big Sis Katie. Xxxx
I hope you have had nagoodm journey and are not to shattered. I am starting as i mean to go on so expect plenty of correspondence,although it has taken me three attempts to type this because it kept disappearing. Speak to you soon. Love to you both. Love mom, Elizabeth
Hope you both have a good time, stay safe. Love mum, sue xx