Great photos.Keep em coming.Did the cow pat wiff!!!!!!!!
Hi Nipper and Emma
Just wanted to say I've been enjoying your blog! I'm quite jealous, it's properly freezing here. When you get back to NZ you've got to go to some volcanoes. I'm sure though, you're probably dying to get back to the authentic maori experience.
Take care and happy anniversary for whenever it was!
love tany xx
Lovely photos - Liverpool are winning 2 - 0 at marseille at half time.
Reading 3 Liverpool 1
Don't let it spoil your week! Sheff u lost 1-0 as well
keep safe love as always Daddy
hope all is well i've just enjoyed your photographs keep 'em coming room at our club for photos like those!! keep safe love as always daddy
Ben Winter
my goodness! The scenery looks amazing!!! just thought Id say hi. Alice says hi too. Im just getting on the plane now. Where are you? Shall I meet you next to the tree? xxxxxx
Hello to you my friends. How was you tour of Fiji? Did you manage to feed any birds yet? I'm quite concerned that they aren't being fed. Just been eatching strictly there are only 4 couples remaining.....not going to say who in case other people don't know. I had a great time in spain still recovering from the lack of sleep. One night 3 people were in my bed(I was not a happy bunny) Went out last night with Michelle and she has left an inprint of her hand on my arm. (not intentionally she says). dad has just gone to the club with grandad. Hope you are both having a great time. Missing you both
Loads of love and hugs Big Sis xxx
I am gonna start my own blog site, then maybe i will look as popular as you two! Hope you are having a good time! Work have just informed me that i am on the rota to work every day over xmas and new year....time to look for a new job methinks! I think they should change my job title from senior to general dogsbody! hugs and wugs xxxxxxx
A. Valerie & U. Peter
Hi both - How is Fiji - hope you haven't met an cannibals yet - or you will not be reading this message!!! Will be interested to see what you think about the place being as we didn't make it there. love A. Valerie & U. Peter.
ps have now corrected spellings before Emma does Horlicks Horlicks Horlicks wrinklies wrinklies wrinklies Old habits but I am getting the sums right
hi And & Emm note computer skills and and emm sounds a bit strange! Hope all is well in Fiji and trust youve not been eaten yet don't mention Capt Bligh or they might. Its quite cold here so were moving inland on Saturday (going to see Grandad and Grandma)it sounds like we are backpacking though doesnt it ??!!! Must go and drink my Holicks us wrinlies have to go to bed early Keep safe love as always Daddy
Hello, Hope all is well.
Had audition on monday for the show, i did Nothing, Come wot may and attempted a duet from Miss Saigon. Just aint the same with out you sweetie. Love to you both