This is my second attempt at this coz I lost it. It is Saturday afternoon and I am still in my Pj's aaaahhhhh heaven. It is nearly the end of half term and all I have done is drink alcohol since Monday Mmmmmmm. How did your filiming go on Friday Andrew? Are you the next big thing? How is your apartment? Hope you have settled in. Hope to speak to you soon. Love and miss you both. Big Sis XxXxXxXxXxXx
A. Valerie & U. Peter
Hi have received your card - thanks. Hope you have now found work - your have had a long enough holiday. Let us know what Melbourne is like we did not get there. Try and get to Adelaide - fantastic place. Love A. Valerie & U. Peter
just a little note because no one seems to have written for a while and you must be feeling neglected ha ha love mom xx xx xx xx
YO YO travellers hope you well?Yer ok so its a bit late for the first blog message but hey!!its me!!Love the pics and now when i look outside and the nights are cold and raining im thinking of you. i hope the auzy's are treating you well?anyways im off to my cozmic pad again to seek a world that i can only imagine.hahah.take care you two.tomass
Uncle Derek
Your digerdoo will have to go in the shed!!!!!!!
Uncle Derek
Received your card Thank You. Please note the change of address = Bedroom 1, 58 Beech Tree Lane. I got rid of some of your stuff, some on E-Bay most on the tip.
Hope you are both anjoying Sydney - have found good accommodation and a job. Is the weather good?
Glad you are both ok look forward to hearing of your adventures in aussieland xx
Glad to hear you arrived in Australia safely, have you got your cork hats yet? ha ha
Uncle Derek
Great sky diving photo's. Miss you at Sunday lunch Kate doesn't leave me much to eat!!!!!!!
A. Valerie & U. Peter
Sky diving - wow u. peter is very envious - if he was thirty years younger!!!
Happy New Year.Wow what picks !!!!!!Glad i didn't know before.xxxxx