Greetings from Paradise!!
We have arrived in the Cook islands at 6am local time after aorund 24 hours in several airports, but it is beautiful now we are here. LA airport was a nightmare queing up to show the same passport to annoying customs guards who murmer and scare you by asking 'whats ya buisness?' but hey!!!
As we boarded to the Cook islands one woman said 'There are 2 queues here, 1, 2, 3, 4, quattro' (dont you just love silly comments!)
We are still adjusting to life out here so we miss our family and friends alot and say Hello to everyone we know, and to those we dont, Hiya!
The beach is amazing its just like off shipwrecked (the silly tv series, ask roby to explain if you don't know) we can wade out to neighbouring islands its amazing!!
Hope all is well....messages are greatfully recieved and hope to update soon
Andrew and Emma
Emma and Andrew
no hang on this will get silly... xxx
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