OH MY I know you are all going to laugh but it wasn't funny and I hope you will be sympathetic. I will start from the beginning... we were supposed to be picked up at 9:30 but they came at 9 and made us rush like maniacs, then we went to pick up the other couple who were coming with us but they turned out to be sick and couldn't come which meant we couldn't go....THE END! (Not really!!) They tried to put us on a trip for the next day but we had to leave yesterday or we wouldn't have had time so they said they would join us with a 3 day trekking group and then spilt us up but we didn't really know what was going on. The little guy from our hotel said that he was coming along too even though he isn't a guide.
So we went along to see a waterfall which was really cool and we were with a gang of about 8 opther people. We swam there for a bit and then they drove us for quite a bit into the jungle for us to have some lunch. After that they took me and Peter way into the jungle by car and just dropped us off with our hotel guy! He said he was going to be our guide and laughed so we thought he was joking but it turned out that he actually was our guide even though he had only been in the jungle once and couldnt speak hardly any english, at first we thought it was funny but later it wasn't so much!
The trek started and I thought I was going to die within about 5 mins. We had to walk up a mountain for one hour with backpacks on and it was boiling hot. Nalis (the hotel guy) was soo speedy so we had to keep shouting at himt o slow down. After another hour and a hlf we went to see a 'tribe' but all it turned out to be was a guy wearing a nike sweatshirt smoking on the balcony of a hut. I was not impressed!!
So we carried on for another hour and a half and eventually reached a crossroads where Nalis guessed which way to go and turned out to be very wrong. We ended up walking along a tiny little edge with a huge moutain below us and a fast river. I was terrified. Then we kep falling over and Nalis just laughed and ran on ahead. I kept slipping over and was really pissed off. I thought I was going to die. Peter was falling over loads too and I just wanted to go home. Then I slipped really badly over the edge and Peter had to drag me back up onto the ledge but I'd grabbed this prickly tree so had tons of tiny splinters in my hand and thats when I wanted to burst out crying but managed to make it to the bottom with only some blood on my hands and legs!!
Then we reached our tribe for the night which once again was NOT as you would expect. It wasn;t the long neck tribe as promised and evryone was wearing jeans and on motorbikes. One woman in traditional clothes came over but only to try and sell us jewellery and the children just begged for money. We were the only ones staying there and I was expecting a big bonfire and loads of tribal people but NOTHING. Nalis cooked us dinner and then went to bed at 7:30 and luckily there was one light outside our room so we sat there until 9 and then went into the big hut that had a blanket on the hard floor and that was it!! There were lizards runnign around outside and no windows or doors to stop them coming into our room! The toilet was a walk away from the room and I just hated it all. I moaned and moaned! It was also really cold out there and I was covered in mud etc from falling over loads!
I couldnt have done it without Peter there, I lay in bed for about 3 hours and couldn't sleep so he came to the toilet with me (thank god I bought a torch) and got me extra blankets but UI just couldn;t sleep at all. The jungle was unbelievably loud at night, I couldn;t beleiev how deep in the jungle we were staying!! The one good bit was the starst, they were amazing but other than that I hated it!
We had eggs and toast for brekkie and then had to start trekking again for the elephant camp which ended up being another mountain climb for one and a half hours! Then when we got there loads of travellers were there and they had done everything I had imagined with the bonfire and tribe etc. I was gutted.
We got an elephat ride for 2 hours through a river which was good fun but pretty scary at first because the river looked really deep I was sure we would go under but we were fine. Then we had a chance to sit on its shoulders which was really good fun. I loved the elephants, definately the best bit. After that we went to do some bamboo rafting. When we arrived the guy just makes you a raft by tying some bamboo canes together. Then bloody Nalis turned out to be our guide again even though he was rubbish, The rafting was terrifying. Peter had to steer at the back and I just clung on in the middle. The river was really quick and full of rocks that they had to steer round but loads of times we just smacked into them and I was ure Peter was going to fall off and then I would be stuck with crazy Nalis. Peter got really angry at him because he wasn;t telling him how to steer but in the end they got used to it and it was quite good fun.
Finally it was all over and we had pad thai for lunch and pineappl/e They serve pineapple with everything here and I thought I hated it but it turns out that I love it! Then we sat in the back of a pickup truck for 2 hours to get back to Chaing Mai!! I just had a shower and it was the best shower in my life. I was filthy and I have big blisters which Peter forced me to put tea tree oil on but he had to chase me around the room with it because I was screaming!!
Even though I hated the trekking and rafting etc, seeing the jungle was amazing. The ohotos will never do it justice and coming back to Chaing mai even though it is just a small city is really hard because you feel like you can;t breathe here with all the cars!
I'm going to bed early tonight and then started my cookery class 2moro at 10. I wish I could have a day to chill but I need to leave on Saturday so its my last chnace. My back is sore sore and bruised from the trek and sleeping on the floor so I might get a thai massage tonight.
I hope everyone is ok and I imagine nobody has a horrible story to top my rambo adventure!! Never again but at least I can say I slept a night in the jungle (or lay all night wide awake)!!
Missing everybody loads now, Love youuuuu xxx
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