Today I am HUNGOVER! We went for a wander around the night market last night which was really cool and then went to a bar. I was drinking southern comfort and it was Peter's mission to get me drunk and indeed I did!! They had free pool in the place and I was actually really good, I even beat this little thai guy with a fluky shot and everyone was shocked!! We were planning on leaving and moving on to another bar but just kept drinking and as we were leaving we got chatting to a group of irish girls so we sat with them for about an hour. They were drinking these buckets where you have an actual bucket and a bottle of whiskey and some coke. It was lethal! I only had a bit and I was hammered!
All we seem to meet here are irish people, on the train we met a gang of irish guys and then this bar had a bout 3 groups of irish people and they always know somebody that Peter knows, its crazy! Nobody knows anybody that I know!
The irish girls invited us along to a club so I got a tuk tuk with them but they didnt have any change so I paid about 20p for it and they insisted on buying me drinks all night!! It was really cool in the club, it was good to hear some of the good old rnb music and have a dance. Peter had to go home as soon as we got there because he was too drunk and hated the music so I stayed out with the girls.
All the irish guys from the train were there too and one of them insisted on jiving with me and we kept nearly knocking everyone out on the dancefloor! There was a soign at the door saying 'no ladyboys allowed' but you could spot them in there because they were the b****y ones when we elbowed them in the jive!!
I left the girls at about 4am and got a tuk tuk home and managed to bargain him down to practically nothing because I was drunk and didn't care! Then he took me to about 4 hotels before he actually found my place. There were millions of stray dogs around the streets at night, its really sad. I want to play with them but one of them was purple which I think is a bad sign!
When I got in peter came staggering out to make sure I was home and he had the same problem with finding the place but wanted to give the tuk tuk driver extra so all he had was $20 and he actually gave it to the driver, sucker!! That will probably buy him a house out here!!
I passed out anyway and was woken at 9am by bloody builders banging around, wasn;t happy at all!! I just stayed in bed until 12 and then we went for some lunch. We booked our trip which leaves 2moro at 9:30am and first we go to look around a local market, then to a waterfall, a hot srping, then start the trek into the jungle. Staying with the long nexk tribe at night I think which is the one that I really wanted to see but I think we get to see 3 all together, then have an elephant ride the next day, some more trekking and finish off with a bamboo ride on the river. Should be good fun hopefully, but I think the hair straighteners will have to stay at home! :-(
I've just been to the market now and bought some really nice mounted photographs of some buddhas plus I bargained hard! Then I bought a nice skirt because it seems that all my 1pound dresses that I thought were bargains from Primark actually weren't as they have ripped or grown huge all of a sudden. All I have now is one dress and some shorts!!
Not sure what we're going to do tonight but we're knackered so I want to be asleep by 11 at the latest so I'm ready for my walking 2moro! I hope it goes well, the irish girls yesterday had done one and come home early because it was too hard for them, uhoh!!
Love you all millions, miss you xxxxx
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