Woke up to rain today but that's ok we have had a pretty good run. We had a local guide showing us around the city on the bus for about an hour. I slept through most of this, just could not keep my eyes open, bit of a b***** really because the city has a lot of history behind it and he had a lot of interesting story's (so Boofs was telling me lol!). One of the story's was about this little dog called Bobby and his master. Well this little dog used to go everywhere with his master but after only a couple of years together his master tragically died. They berried him in a cemetery. For 14 years the dog did not leave his side, people tried to take him back to there homes but he would always go back to his masters side. Eventually the people left the little dog alone, they fed him and gave him a pat on the way past. He became very well known and loved. He is the only animal to be berried in a humans cemetery, next to his master.
We stopped to take photos of the royal palace, this is still in use, it is where the royals stay if in Edinburgh. Then we visited the old Edinburgh castle. We walked the royal mile, saw the Scottish crown jewels, the dungeons, St Margret's chapel, this is the oldest building in Edinburgh and if you are a Margret you can put your name down to volunteer to clean it lol! Now that's a treat lol! It was a beautiful castle, so well preserved. It sits right up top of the highest hill so it overlooks the city and sea, best spot to protect it's self.
We then went back to our hotel got our washing and set of for the train to do our washing. It started pouring with rain while we were lugging all our washing, was a relief when we sat on the dry train. Boff did the washing at a laundry mat while I got a quick leg wax lol! Got the train back again after buying another bag, back pack was getting way to full lol! We sat down for just a minie trying to gather our thoughts. We are both getting a bit tired and grumpy with each other. What we both want to do is sit in bed and watch movies for rest of the day but we decide we should get out and see Edinburgh. Set out in the rain again and wander about the old city. It was good even though we didn't feel like it, we saw where the author of Harry potter started writing her novels, a huge cathedral, bobbys grave and where they used to do all there hangings, there is a pub there called "the last drop" because that is where the last drop of sweat feel.
We also saw where the military tattoo gets preformed, it is amazing, it's right at the castles entrance, so the castle us the back drop.
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