So saturday morning came around, me and nathan set out early to have his pre match day breakfast, a very nice croque moinsure to start the day, then a fair little drive to Wagga Wagga, the venue for the matches. There for very little time for preparation before my first game with teh 3rds, i was worried this would bring about injury so right up until i was on the pitch and even after on the pitch i was stretching everything thoroughly. It was slightly shambles what with people not deciding on positions until after we were on the pitch, quite amusing. I wont go into details but i definately did myself proud. Although my lack of fitness came apparent very early, offensively i caused teh defence some problems and defensively i was a secure as i could have been, no missed tackles although a couple of badly positioned tackles lead to me taking a few knocks to the head.
I then had a length of a game to take on water and prepare myself this time far mroe thoroughly before running out fior my second game starting for the 2nds. This standard being higher than that im used to back home. My fitness somehow seemed to have come back, i didnt feel quite so tired while on the pitch and i actually caused alot more damage at one point being stopped from the line about 5m out, but i was impressed that i beat 1 of their wingers on a chase for the ball. Although their full back was covering it. Defensively again i was strong, a few areas for improvement but didnt slip any tackles and made some very good crunching tackles a few definately try saving tcakles as well.
The only injury i picked up was a very dead leg right towards the end of the game, getting up funny from that caused me to get cramp in both my calves, i wanted to stop to get rid of it but i noticed no one was covering back so i hobbled back, lucky as well, as i was going back a kick went through and as i started to track across to pick up the ball the cramp got real bad, once i picked it up, maybe i would have tried to beat the tacklers on the outside, however i let them tackle me on my terms though so that i got the ball away. Understandably though i was shattered when the final whistle went. But i was impressed with myself, 2 full games of rugby in one day when i havnt played in 8 months since breaking my leg was pretty good going i reakon.
I woke up very stiff the next morning, and have remained so for the past 2 days though it is slowly getting better. Me and nath ventured off to go see some brewries, wineries and just some general inland historic villages which was quite nice. Of course we did have to try out some of the beers, some were quite pleasant, others not worthy of being called beer or even a drink.
Today i was sad to leave Nathan and Renee as they had been soo nice to me! looking after me and showing me such a great time. This didnt help aswell, leaving such a nice fun place to be back on my own in melbourne, meeting up with someone i knew but i missed being with a few friendly faces and didnt like having to go back to being kind of on my own but in a completly unfamiliar place. This lead to my mood being somewhat lower than its been in a while.
Althuogh i have been trying to stay positive, i am planning to keep myself busy so that my time passes quicker. To help cheer myself up but also distract me from the fact that its less than a week until i get to finally see joe again :) Something i have been longing to do for ages. Now its close i guess its making this seem not so cnie as well. Although i have been told but everyone that melbourne is a really nice place so i wil just have to explore until i find what everyone finds nice about it.
Doesnt help that im staying in probably the worst hostel iv stayed in. Thats not just because of being in such a nice home and having such nice hospitality, but hey, im a backpacker i cant expect luxury everywhere! I am trying to keep my chin up honest :)
- comments
danilo Good post.Backpackers should always have an attitude of adjusting anywhere they go.Traveling should matter them alot other than mattering anything else.So good attitude that you keep your chin up honest.Coming to destination points i like Mungabareena reserve alot to stroll near it with my hubby.