The day of the kangerooski! We went on a hunt... and found thousands of kangeroos! 1million and 13 to be precise. Big ones. Small ones. Tired ones. Even some boingy ones! All about a 30k drive outside of Canberra in Tidbinbilla nature reserve. There was one on the road just outside of Canberra too, which was a tad exciting to say the least. We did see a very sad looking wombat on the roadside on the way home too... looking slightly less fortunate than the earlier kangeroo, to put it nicely.
Yesterday we met up with some of K's friends at the Botanic gardens (see I AM getting some good sight seeing in!) gulping down a hot choc and wandering around. We met a lizard along the way sunning itself on the rock, very relaxed indeed!
I also saw my first koala bear high up in a tree... some emus, wallabies, pelicans, giant ants with claws and sharp teeth & blue wrens (THE bird of the ACT!). All very exciting indeed.
Food wise, had my first prawn eating lesson along with some excellent cheese and yet more tasi larger. Also, to get you drooling, we went to a chinese bbq house yesterday, with bbq duck and pork.... yuuuuuuuuuuuuum.
Tomorrow is byebye to K, with morning breakfast with a retired greyhound (with, not containing) and heading back up to Sydney for a few days before I start the real backpacking up the east coast tues morning!
Starting to heat up now for the start of summer, BBQ time is calling!
No nemos as yet Ceri, and Matthew keep the jokes coming. They are very entertaining!
Nick xxx
ps sorry for the epic blog, I did say I wouldn't do that.... but it's just too good to leave bits out! Video blog next time!
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