So we did the epic 23hr bus ride from Rio to Foz do Iguaçu via the fipping sticks!! It was however pretty cool when we got there as we were so close to the falls and also the border with Paraguay and Argentina! The are 2 sides to the falls, The Argentinian side which was the coolest thing we have ever seen and then the Brazilian side which we did not visit as we had been told was no where near as good! There are loads of sections of Iguacu falls and you have to trek to see loads of it! However when you do see them it is totally amazing! We also took a boat ride into the falls which was'nt just a shower of water as we thought but we we may aswel of jumped into the river considering how wet we got!! It was pretty boiling at the falls aswel as Rio which was kinda nice! Sam has been ill and only just recovering from serious stomach pains but the rest of us holding up nicely! We decided to go over to Paraguay for the day to this crazy town on the other side called Cuidad del este which is kinda like a tax free haven! First problem got screwed at the Brazilian boarder as we did'nt have our entry cards and only when an semi english speaking guy lied to the police to let us through we managed to avoid the 150 $Real fine lol! The town is crazy and cheap and a great place to get robbed if ya not careful. We picked up some junk there which will keep forever. The next day we took the bus from Foz to Buenos Aires in Argentina which was'nt without its boarder problems again! But we here now and the weather is still super nice! Hopefully going to Uruguay in a couple of days and the with any luck taking the 40hour bus trip to Bolivia!
Anyways enjoy the photos and the videos, especially of the taxi drivers squeaky steering wheel!
Until next time
Nick and Nat!
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