After much sleep deprevation in Singapore we both had a great nights sleep, quiet and comfy - yay!!
Bit cloudy today but still warm and sunny so decided to head into the city centre. It's about a 10 min walk from our hostel but we'd been told about a free bus service that runs 1km out from the city centre, in all directions, the bus stop is close so it's ideal for us.
We had a walk around the city and also to the Swan Bell Tower. We found a discount book store and I bought the USA Lonely Planet as are going to do all the planning for USA when in Sydney for a month.
We had a walk around the supermarket to get an idea on prices, it is near enough the same prices as at home. To save ourselves money we are going to cook and eat at the hostel. We picked up some noodles for tonight but will do a proper shop tomorrow after deciding what we want to buy.
We made our way back to the hostel and watched Neighbours!!!! Before chilling out and enjoying our noodles.
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