Today the blog is written by Nick . . . .
We left Wellington early and made our way to Taupo, with a few stops in between. I signed up for sky diving on the bus, as Chris and Hannah highly reccommended the one in Taupo and was planning to do one somewhere in NZ anyways. 499NZ$ (190.00gbp) got me a 15,000ft dive including a dvd, photo cd and t-shirt.
Kiwi dropped us off at the airport once we got to Taup (slightly s***ting it now). After watching a dvd I signed my life away and got suited up. As the time grew nearer I started to get more excited than nervous. I Met my jump master, Rhys who went through the jump procedure and then we were off!!
The plane was tiny, with 15 people crammed in, 5 jumpers, 5 jump master and 5 camera men. Made our way up to 15,000ft, very excited by now, as we went higher the oxygen masks went on and I got attached to my jump master. It was time!!
And off they went - 1, 2, 3 & 4, I was last to go! Got to the edge, then was pushed out just hanging from Rhys' harness, very dodgy feeling. Held onto my harness, head back, legs bent and we went!!
Such a starnge feeling, we fell so fast but it didn't feel like I was falling; I got the tap as we leveled out and I was free to put my arms out and enjoy it. Mucked about with the camera man, telling me to swim, tense up, blow kisses etc to the camera all the time falling 200kmph. It was undescribable, such a strange sensation but an awesome one!! Not like anything you've ever done before. It was immense!!
Then the chute went and we twisted and turned as we made our decent taking in the views as we headed down towards Lake Taupo, it was an amazing way to end an awesome experience. We came into land (I could see Isie taking photos of my decent) and it was all over. What an experience and one I will never forget!
We all watched the DVD's before getting a lift to our hostel, Urban retreat. We put the photos on off exploring - them and the DVD are great. We had chilli for dinner, yum. We then went for a walk to the lake and stopped at Base and changed our bus date to Auckland as we've decided to spend 1 night in Rotarua.
Amazing day
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