Had a well deserved lie in! Then to cut a long story short, we spent the day organising and planning and booking! Took all day, going between train stations, travel agents, phone, internet etc etc, and we were knackered but we managed it. We wanted to get the overnight sleeper train from Mumbai to Goa but it was booked up for the day we needed to travel, so we decided to spend a little extra and fly. Also got a flight from Goa to Kochin. Only worrying thing was the guy didn't take Mastercard and only cash - but we trusted Mr Sharma and it worked out ok, so we just went for it and crossed our fingers. Also booked trips so we could actually see some sights as we realized it is just impossible to do it independantly here, in such a short time. Plus I was quite excited about meeting other travellers on the trips as we hadn't stumbled across any, only the couple staying in the guesthouse.
Next day we were up early (again!) for our day trip of Jaipur. Little bus full guessed it..Indians! Not a foreign tourist in sight! I got a few strange looks and one kid was staring at me and her mum said, 'yes isn't she pretty and different with her funny eyes and yellow skin'! That was pretty much how it was to carry on. I got asked to have my photo taken with some Indian families on the streets and kids were running up to look at me and touch me. I was taking care of my bag and camera and Andi laughed saying 'they're not looking at you to pinch your camera - they're just looking at you'. He says I can't blame them and that it's quite normal - and it even happens in England, nice guy I married eh?
Saw loads of Forts and Temples - so to be honest, I'm all Templed out now. Although the Planetarium was pretty cool and saw some great buildings with good history and funny stories. Tour guide was saying everything in Hindi and then (bad) English, but someone on the bus asked him not to repeat everything in English! So he just told us a brief summary in English after each bit. One guy started talking to us and he had great English so he informed us around the way. He was a teacher and Sharma said a teacher is one of the best jobs you can have in India, so that may explain it. During the trip up the mountain, this guy was suddenly summoned off the bus and he ran to get into another vehicle and sped off, leaving his family behind. We thought there'd been some sort of emergency he had to help with, but later on when he joined us again, he explained that they'd found a mosque nearby for him to go and pray at 4pm!! We had lunch at the top of a mountain which was great. We each had a Thalis (mixture of different indian food) which was big and cost 70 rupees - about 90p!
On the way back from the trip, we drove through the Pink City at night, which was great. Loads of little stalls down a long (and Pink) road. The old city is a lot nicer than the new one. The roads are wider and cleaner and there seems to be more order around. Back at the guesthouse, we were both glad to be back and had a half wash under the tap! Got Mrs Singh to cook some grub, had a beer and met a father and daughter combo from Australia, with whom we had our first 'meaning of life' travellers talk with. Awesome!
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