"There hasn't been a murder there for a while"
Am resymau amlwg, y person yma ddim eisiau'i enwi.
Dyma ddyfyniad gafodd ei grybwyll mewn sgwrs yn trafod coober pedy. Ein Stop cyntaf yn dilyn Alice springs. Ymddangos bod ffeindio gelyn busnes opal yng ngwaelod pwll cloddio ddim yn beth annarferol am gyfnod . . . . . . er gwybodaeth, daeth hyn a stop i'r feddylfryd ein bod yn mynd i basio'r amser wrth gloddio am opal, gan obeithio, mewn 2 ddiwrnod y byddwn yn hitio'r jacpot a chael ymddeol cyn i'n gyrfau ni wir gychwyn . . . . . . . Felly, o ganlyniad, bu raid i ni ffeindio rhywbeth arall i basio'r amser . . . .
Wrth ddringo'n flinedig oddi ar fws y greyhound i dywyllwch ac oerfel coober pedy, doedd dim llawer i'w weld, ac wrth godi a mynd am grwydr y bore wedyn, daeth hi'n eitha amlwg bod ddim llawer i'w weld yn ystod y dydd chwaith!!!!! I fod yn hollol onest, roedd aros yn yr hostel dipyn fwy cyffrous, hyny o ganlyniad i'r ffaith ein bod dan ddaear!!! ogof oedd ein hystafell 4 gwely. wedi ei dorri o fewn craig, doedd dim drysau (dim poeni am gloi felly . . hehe) gyda wal yn unig yn ein gwahanu hefo'n cymdogion, roedd modd i mi godi fy mhen o'r bync a gwylio'r rheiny yn aros drws nesa . . . a drws nesaf wedyn . . a'u cymdogion hwythau hefyd. . . wedi cael fy siarsio rhag gwneud unrhyw beth gwirion!!!!
felly, beth i'w wneud mewn tref oedd yn gwneud i'r wild west edrych yn fyrlymys a phoblog . . . . . Wel, siopa opals ynte!!!!! Pwrpas y trip, ffeindio modrwyon i Catrin a Lisa, ac felly, dyma grwydro'r siopau opals, tua 8 ohonynt i gyd. Roedd cerdded mewn i rai o'r rhain yn brofiad yn ei hun, wrth i ni orfod aros iddynt agor y drws, rhoi'r golau ymlaen (yn ofalus oleuo un rhan o'r siop ar y tro) gan addo discounts a dwstio yr un pryd. Roedd fel dringo i fewn i atic llawn gemweithiau. Teimlad eitha cryf bod rhai o gymdeithas coober pedy o bosib ddim yn rhannu cwmni ymwelwyr yn aml, ac anodd oedd cynal sgwrs . . . . eraill yn gwneud dim ond siarad, hynny am, be arall, opals!!!!!
Crwydro a dysgu mai boi 14 mlwydd oed oedd yn gyfrifol am ffeindio'r opal cyntaf, a'i fod yn garreg hynod werthfawr, gall 'hitio'r jackpot' wir olygu cannoedd o filiyne dollars. clywed stori un boi yn torri mewn i graig er mwyn creu ty cyffredin i'w deulu . .. ym mhob ystafell roedd gwerth miliynau o'r garreg, bellach mae ganddo dy 21 ystafell, a'r feddylfryd o ehangu!!!
Prynu'r modrwyon yn . . lle arall . . yr hostel, (wir, doedd dim angen gadael) a gwneud yn fawr o'r te a choffi am ddim hefo gwen ar ein gwynebau!!!
Anodd oedd pasio'r amser yma, roedd un siop opals fel y llall, a doedd yr hanes yn newid dim o'r amgueddfeudd gwahanol. Roedd modd ymuno a thripiau arbennig, ond fel ym mhob man yn awstralia roeddynt yn ddrud. Gwerth mynd, profiad a hanner, ond wir, roedd un noson yn ddigon!!!!
Y stop nesa' Adelaide. Edrych ymlaen i gael bod yng nghanol cymdeithas dinasol, poblog unwaith eto!!
Hwyl a haul,
Sgityl, L.S A Ffis
"There hasn't been a murder there in years"
wanted to remain anonymous
This is a comment made when coober pedy came up in a conversation. It stopped any notion we had of spending our two day visit mining for opals, with the belief that we would hit the big time, and retire before our careers have actually begun . . . . apparently, at one point it wasn't uncommon to find the body of an opal miner's at the bottom of a mine (a business competitor that is). knowing how many depended on this blog for source of entertainment (hehe) we decided to find something else to pass the time . . . . .
As we gingerly climbed into the cold night air from the cold vented air of the greyhound bus, there wasn't much to see. we walked around the town the next morning, in daylight, realising that the 'not much to see' from the night before was in fact reality . . . . . this could be down to one of two things. There was actually nothing to see, or that everything which was to see was in fact underground. In fact, the answer is a bit of both. Honestly, we could of just spent our time in the hostel, seing and experiencing almost everything which could be seen there. This was partly due to the fact that the hostel was situated underground. Our four bed dorm was a cave, the whole corriodor was actually open plan, with the exception of a hand built wall working as the space divider to create the 'rooms'. I could quite easily lift my head from the top bunk and look into next door's room . . . . and the next room . . . . and the next room after that, and you guessed it . . . the room after that as well . . . . I was told to forget any thoughts of pranks or leg pulling which might of crossed my mind at that point. . . . there were many!!!!!!
Situated in a town which made the wild west seem populated, what was there for us to do?? . . . .well, shop for opals of course. We had a plan, a purpose, to find a nice opal ring each for Lisa and Catrin. (My hands are already heavy by the weight of my current rings, without adding more!!!) And, so we started walking around the many opal shops situated next to each other on the main road. Without a doubt . . .it was an experience, with most shops giving the strong sense of stumbling into someones attic as the owners tried to find the light swtich while subtley dusting the counters at the same time.
The rings were eventually bought at the hostel, following much delibiration. A slight need for alltoration on Lisa's, but otherwise quite some time was spent staring at the rings with little subtle grins, which believe me, gladly passed some time for us!!
Coober Pedy, definitely a place to visit, if only for the experience of underground sleeping! It was quite hard to imagine/appreciate the importance of this small, dessert like town to the opal industry, I guess, in more ways than one, the true community, history and worth was buried underground, we just needed to scratch the surface to find it. more time would of possible allowed us to do so, but for the purpose which we were there for, the 2 nights were more than enough, and we were quite happy to look ahead at the next adventure which Adelaide would bring. The city which would give us a much needed sense of civilization!!!
And just as we clambered off the bus, we did the same to leave, clutching our much appreciated sleeping bags, wearily anticipating the cold air ventilation which would carry us to Adelaide . . . . . . And that was it, we left on that big red bus, out of the sandy town which is coober pedy.
Take care all. Keep smiling, be happy.
Sgityl, L.S & Fis.
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