Melbourne, neu os am swnio fel y bobl lleol, melbun (yn andros o gyflym!!)
Rhywsut mae bron i bythefnos wedi pasio ers i ni gyrraedd. Doedd aros mor hir ddim yn ran o'r cynllunie o gwbl. Ond, rhywsut wrth i ni ddod i nabod yr ardal, a dod i ddysgu mwy am y diffyg opsiynau yn yr ardaloedd roeddem wedi meddwl ymweld a nhw nes mlaen daethom i sylweddoli mai aros oedd siwr o fod yr opsiwn callaf.
Gallaf ragweld ambell i berson yn meddwl, pythefnos . . . o na . . . pa mor hir ma'r blog ma yn mynd i fod, ond na phoener gyfeillion, dwin mynd i'w wneud yn hawdd i chwi. mae'r blog wedi cael ei rannu yn ddau ran. Hyd yn oed wrth wneud hynny, does wir ddim llawer i'w ddweud am y lle. Rydym, yn ein hen ddyddiau wedi datblygu i fyw bywydau eithaf tawel ddi-ffys. . . . fel y cewch weld!!!
1) (dyma'r rhan cyntaf) Ein cyfnod yn Melbourne tra dal yn mwynhau cwmni Catrin, a chyn i ni fynd ar y great ocean ffordd.
Roedd gan y ddinas gymaint i'w gynnig, gymaint o addewid wrth i ni fysio mewn i'r orsaf fysys, hynny am 6.10y bore. Doedd yr hostel ddim yn checio neb i mewn tan 9.30 felly dyma brynu coffi, a dawnsio i'r gerddoriaeth eitha cwl oedd yn cael ei chwarae yng nghaffi'r orsaf, (mae diffyg cwsg yn medru chwarae hafoc hefo rhywun!!) Dal tram wedyn hefo'r cyfarwyddyd o'i adael ar fizroy street . . . cyrhaeddom ben y daith, heb son am y stryd. Troi yn ol wedyn ac ail fyw'r daith yn oflaus edrych ar bob arwydd i weld pa bryd yn union oedd angen i ni ei adael. . . cyrraedd yr hostel rhywsut, ac i fod yn onest, ddim yn hollol yr 'clean and friendly atmosphere which offers a home from home feel' roeddem yn ei ddisgwyl!! Lisa'n penderfynnu dal fynu hefo cwsg wrth i catrin a minnau fynd am dro i ymchwilio chydig ar ein cartref newydd. Yr ardal ei hun yn andros o atyniadol, hefo gymaint o bethau i'w gweld ac yn dal y llygad, heb fod wedi mynd yn agos at Melbourne o gwbl!!
Treulio'r noswaith yn mwynhau cwmni rhai o'r cyd letywyr, ac yn wir, roedd teimlad eitha cartrefol i'r lle erbyn hyn. Aeth criw ohonan ni allan am noswaith i gwrdd a ffrindiau o'r rock tour. Ond cyn hynny, treuliodd y triawd ddiwrnod yn melbourne ei hun, dinas anhygoel, digon o gyffro, yr hen adeiladau yn sefyll yn falch yng nghanol y rhai newydd (ddim fel y rheiny mewn ardaloedd yn china!!) y tramiau yn saethu o un pen i'r llall, ac yn fwy na hynny, roedd diwedd gwyl y celfyddydau oedd yn golygu nifer o berfformiadau byw gan bobl dros y byd i gyd. Crwydro o gwmpas y stadymau lu wedyn yn rhyfeddu atynt. Crwydro hyd y ddinas, yn rannol drio ffeindio'r stryd roeddem yn mynd i bartia yno'r noson hono cyn dal y tram yn ol i drio golchi'r olwg teithio oddi arnom ni!! Y dafarn gynta, band roc yn chwarae yno, ar gallu i fedru siarad drwy symudiadau dwylo yn dod i'r amlwg. Y dafarn nesaf yn lyfli, cyfle i siarad, ac i fwynhau cwmni'n gilydd, gwag oedd y lle nesa', yn rannol gan bod na fownsar eitha strict ar y drws, yn IDio hyd yn oed y rheiny oedd yn amlwg dros yr oedran cyfreithiol o 18. ron i hefyd mewn trwbwl, wedi gwisgo yn rhy casual . . . . . cardigan ymlaen, a thynnu'r trwsys i lawr chydig ac on in iawn!!! gwirion. Ddim clwb heno, cael ein gwrthod, hynny gan nad oeddem yn ddynion. . . . . . . hynny ar ol i ni fynd ir drafferth o guddio'r flip flops hefo sannau du, er mwyn edrych fel ein bod yn gwisgo sgidiau!! Noson gret fodd bynnag!!!
Fel yn y rhanfwyaf or ardaloedd eraill, roedd marchnad yn cael ei gynal bob dydd Sul ar lan y mor. Ciwt, hefo digon o amrywiaeth a phethau gwahanol i'w gweld ac arbrofi . Piti bod y tywydd mor oer!!!!!!
A dyma gyrraedd yr hyn roeddem wedi'i ragdbybio fel uchafbwynt y trip yn melbourne. . . . taith o amglych set y rhaglen enwog, neighbours!!! does dim gair gall ddisgrifio'r cyffro wrth ddringo mewn i'r bws mini. Ein gollwng wrth siop swyddogol y sioe wedyn (oes mae siop swyddogol!!!) cyn peilio mewn i'r bws unwaith eto, a chyd wylio pennod eitha emosiynol enwog wrth deithio (priodas Toadie a Dee + y ddamwain!!!) Cyrraedd y stryd, a digon o 'photo opportunities'. un gair i'w ddisgrifio . . .syreal. Rhwbeth tebyg i weld stryd fawr cwmderi!!! Cwrdd a neb llai na Alan Flecher wedyn, sydd yn chwarae'r enwog Dr Karl Kennedy, gwr susan, tad Libby, billy, Mal, a be bynnag di enw babi Izzy yn Llundain!!!!! Gwych.
A dyma gyrraedd man canol ein taith yn Melbourne, wrth i Catrin ein gadael, ac i Lisa a minnau neidio mewn car a theithio ar hyd yr Ocean drive!!
2) (Dyma'r ail ran) Ein amser yn Melbourne, ar ol i Catrin adael, ac ar ol y daith glan mor!! (mae blog wedi'i ysgrifennu yn disgrifio'r daith!)
Un peth gret am Melbourne, doedd dim brys, dim wir angen gwneud dim. Cyrraedd yn ol, ac ymlacio. trafod a chwerthin hefo criw yr hostel, a dod i nabod mwy wrth benderfynnu aros am 5 noson arall.
Trip arall i Melbourne ei hun, y bwriad o grwydro'r siopau swfeniyrs, ein targed, ffeindio ugg boots i Lisa, Y tywydd yn afiach o wlyb, ond yn boeth, hefo'n cotiau glaw yn sticio in cyrff ni. Flip flops ddim y sgidiau gorau i'w gwisgo chwaith wrth i mi lithro dros y lle i gyd. Roedd fel sglefrio ar ia. Llwyddo i ffeindio'r prif ardal siopau ar ddiwedd y trip, ac ar ol eistedd i fwyta'n brechdanau jam (roeddem wedi'u paratoi yn gynharach), penderfynnu gadael yr ugg's tan ddiwrnod arall, chydig fwy heulog!!
A daeth y diwrnod hyny wrth gerdded cwta hanner awr o'r hostel. gwych o le, Chapel street. Methu coelio ein bod wedi'i ffeindio fo ddiwedd y trip!! argh!! Typical. fodd bynag, o leia y gwnaethom ei ffeindio ynte!! Treulio bron i hanner awr mewn siop lyfrau a chwta 5 munud yn y siop uggs, ac wrth siop uggs, dwin meddwl siop uggs, dyna'r oll oedd yna, bocsys ar focsys or stwff, mater bach o gerdded mewn, Lisa'n datgan pa steil yr oedd yn ei hoffi, nol y maint cywir, ei drio mlaen a dyna ni, talu. Och, sa'n gret os y bydde dewis llyfr mor hawdd!!!!
Er yr ystafell eitha gwyntog, roeddem yn treulio hyd at yr oriau man yn siarad a chyfathrebu hefo criw yr hostel, yn dysgu am wahanol wledydd a rhannu anturiaethau trafeulio, hynny wrth wylio ffilm neu deledu gweddol rybish . . . hawdd oedd teimlon gartrefol yma yn melbourne.
Coffi yn Brighton. Anodd fyddai anghofio dylanwad prydeinig ar y wlad, a daeth hyn i'r amlwg unwaith eto wrth i ni yn ystod un o'r diwnrodau fwyaf heulog benderfynnu crwydro ar hyd glan y mor at Brighton. Ddim cweit gymaint o fwrlwm ar ddinas hynny yn Ne lloegr, ond roedd y coffi yn flasus!! methu a ffeindio arwydd iawn fel tystiolaeth ein bod wedi bod yno, er mae arwydd ffordd bach yng nghanol lluniau'r blog (dwin meddwl) i'w danlinnellu. Pawb allan yn mwynhau ar y traeth. A gweld y nifer fwyaf o gwn dwi wedi'i weld yn Awstralia gyfan allan y diwrnod hwnnw.
Un o brif ddigwyddiadau'r ddinas ydi cwpan melbourne. Rhywbeth tebyg o bosib i'r grand national. diwgyddiad oedd, yn ol y son yn dod a Melbourne i stop, doedd siopau ddim yn agor, ac roedd pawb melbournaidd yn gwisgo fynu, hynny hyd yn oed os nad oeddent yn mynd i'r ras ei hun, ond ir dafarn. Rhyfedd oedd cerdded lawr y stryd a gweld gymaint o bobl wedi gwisgo i fynu, boed blant bach i'r henoed. Ac eitha doniol oedd gweld rhai yn dychwelyd i'r hostel wedyn wedi treulio diwrnod yn yfed 'astralian style!!' 'shocking' ennillodd y ras (er gwybodaeth) wedi'i arwain gan: Corey Brown.
Does dim llawer mwy i'w ddweud, heblaw, amser gwych, amser o ymlacio ac amser i wir deimlo yn gartrefol mewn dinas. heb os, penderfynniad iawn oedd aros yma am gyhyd. Falle mai Adelaide oedd hoff ddinas Lisa, ond Melbourne ydi fy un i!!
Hwyl a haul,
Sgityl & L.S
Melbourne, or apparently, to pronounce it like the locals; melbun (very quick!!)
somehow two weeks have flown by, don't ask me how, wasn't exactly part of the plans, but as we got to know the place, and as our plans to visit other towns on our way to sydney seemed to fall through, it made logical sense to stay where we were happy . . .and where it was relatively cheap!!!
Ok, so I imagine a few maybe thinking . . . .wow, 2 weeks, how long is this blog going to be???? But, no worries boyo's I've made it easy for you, this blog will be split in two. There is the before the ocean drive sections, and our antics after the driving cruise!! even after doing so, there's not much really to say, in our old age we seem to be leading a rather quiet and conservative lives!
1) (the first part) Before the great ocean drive.
The city had so much to offer. We were excited as we sat wide eyed as the bus rolled up at 6.10am into the bus terminal. Unfortuantely the hostel didnt start check in until 9.30am, so it was a case of drinking coffee and dancing to the actually quite catchy tuneage at the station. The time soon dragged by, and we were on the tram, on our way to St kidla beach, and more importantly our home for the next 5 nights, oslo hotel. we managed to pass the intended stop off of fizroy street, and had to turn round and travel back through the main shopping area (lack of sleep!!) before jumping off and finding our way towards oslo. Not exaclty the 'clean and tidy home from home accomodation we were expecting, but it was a bed, and therefore we were happy. lisa decided to catch up on sleep as Catrin and I went walking, getting to know this new area. What we learnt, was that it had plenty to offer . . . if St kilda was like that, what did Melbourne itself have to offer?
We spent the first night getting to know some of the hostel regulars. And by the next night there were a crowd of four of us going out to Melbourne itself, meeting up with one of the rock tour chums. That was the evening, the day itself was spent getting to know the home City itself. Old buildings stood proud by the modern shops, there was an underscribable buzz around the place, and luckily we were also catching the end of the Melbourne art festival, which meant live performances by artist from all over the world. The sun was shining, the shades were out as we walked passed some of the impressive stadiums which were just a stone throw away from the city, stopping in a quiet park area to enjoy a rather good ham and cheese sandwich before continuing with our browse. The browse which took us to the street we were visiting to drink and be merry that evening, before catching to the tram back to try and wash the 'backpackers look' from ourselves. The night itself was without doubt entertaining. having started out quite late, we landed in a bar where a rock band was playing, and the ability to sign language became essential as we were all trying to get to know each other. On next to a rather dodgy looking pub on the outside, but actually a rather nice interior, spending a while talking there before venturing to another place who had a bouncer standing proud outside. being all of an average age of about 25 the youngest being 23, we were all asked for our ID's. I was then informed that I had dressed too casually. (my first instinct to pull my top lower didnt work) and so, having pulled my trowser down to an appropriate level below the knees, and having worn a cardigan . . . we were allowed in with a sort of half amused half bewildered look on our faces. Guess what, that pub was practically empty. On to the club next. Catrin and I having borrowed socks (thanks Alex and Anj) to cover our 'thongs' only to be refused entry due to the fact we were women. It was, no doubt, a really good night, and thanks to Anj for being our host and guide for the evening.
As in most cities Melbourne had a sunday market, based on the St Kilda beach front. About 25 stalls braved the weather to come and display art work, craft and general local porducts. We also dressed our warmest clothes to go out and see what was on offer. Really cool place, adding smething extra to the City.
And so we reach what could be dubbed the highlight of the Melbourne experience. The neighbours tour!!! Excited is not a strong enough word to describe how we felt!! luckily we managed to include the tour as part of the greyhound travel pass. We were firstly dropped off in the official neighbours shop (yes they have their own shop!) before piling back onto the bus, entertained by a rather emotionally draining episode (the one of toadie and Dee's wedding + car crash) and soon, we were turning up this quite ordinary little street to be faced by the little community which we all love!! all the fimiling is naturally filmed at studios, and following some time taking pics outside the houses, surprised each time an actual resident left their famous home (yes, there are home owners who are paid quite a lot for neighbours to use the outside of their property) we headed towards the place where the magic is created . . . .and yes, we got to meet one of the cast. We spoke to, took photos with, and had the autograph of Dr karl kennedy himself (you know, susan's wife, father of Billy, Mal and Libby . .and whatever Izzy's baby's called!!) What a surreal experience!!!
And here we reached the half way point in the melbourne trip. Catrin left to return to Perth in order to prepare for her new job. And Lisa and I rented and drove a car around the great ocean road (hope you're fully updated by that blog which is already posted!!)
2) Second part. The after the great ocean road experiences.
One of the great things about Melbourne, there doesnt seem to be a rush to go anywhere or do anything. It was quite easy for us to fall into this way of life, and quite easy to back track the 'we're only here for 5 nights notion' and book a further 5 nights at oslo hotel, which had somehow developed into a home from home!!! The laughter and companions made the decision to stay an easy one as our efforts to book cheap accompdation at other location didn't succeed.
Another visit to the main City was in order, this time to browse the what seemed like hundreds (I'm exaggerating!!) of gift shops. Lisa wanted to buy ugg boots. Unfortunately, the day we'd picked was not the greatest. The weather was wet, but the temperature high. Sticky weather I guess. It seemed that my thongs did not appreciate the new found dampness underfoot, and couldnt seem to take hold in anything, which meant that walking felt more like iceskating. fun, but not practical. The shopping trip ended without success on the ugg front, but we did manage to find the main shopping district, which held a nice food court for us to enjoy our 'prepared earlier' jam sandwiches. we promised ourselves we'd continue with the ugg search on a nicer day . . .
. . that day arrived, and literary after walking half an hour from our hostel we found an amazing street. chapel street to be exact. So many things to see . . . we spent half and hour, if not more in a book store, 5 minutes was spent at the ugg shop. an amazing little shop. We walked in, Lisa chose a style from the array of boots displayed on a table in the middle of the store, having given her shoe size the lady went to the back wall of boxes and took out the relevant box. A quick fitting followed by payment and we were on our way, outstanded by how easy it had been!!! If only buying a book was that easy . . . . .
The rather windy room didnt bother us as most of our evenings were spent with our fellow hostelers, sharing travelling tales or watching decent film or addictive trashy television in the comunal lounge. Without doubt, generating a homely feeling . . .i could easly have stayed there longer.
It would be difficult to ignore the british influence here especially as we walked along the seafront to drink coffe at brighton beach. It was an amazingly sunny day, not as much buzz as you'd see at the UK brighton, but all the same, they had nice coffe. Unfortunately there wasnt a clear Brighton sign for us to photograph as evidence, but we did manage to take a quick pic of a road sign . . . . we were there honest!!
every year, it seems there is a big event in Melbourne, it is in fact a national holiday. The melbourne cup day. Something similar to the grand national from what we could gather, it was quite a big deal here, with local residents dressing up in their poshest attire even if they weren't actually attending the race itself, but to the pub down the road. It was quite surreal walking down the street passing people from all ages dressed up. It was also entertaining by the evening to watch those who'd ventured from the hostel come back, having spent the day drinking 'australian style'. Appropriately it was 'shocking' who won the race (for those who might be interested!), ridden by the jockey corey Brown.
like I said, we lived a quite existence. That's it for our melbourne trip. A great time. Lisa's favourite city thus far was Adelaide. Mine, without doubt is Melbourne.
Sgityl & L.S
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