Wow, Wow. Wow. fydj. Siriys. WOW.
I rheiny ohonoch chi sydd ddim yn fans o gampio yn yr awyr agored, wel, darllenwch hwn. a gweld os y byddwch yn teimlo'r un ffordd wedyn.
Y rock tour. iawn, man siwr bod ambell un yn eich plith yn meddwl, erm, be sydd mor arbennig am daith o gwmpas ambell i garreg. Wel be swn in deud bod y daith arbennig yma yn golygu, bod mewn criw o 21 o bobl yn cael ein tywys gan Sarah y geid gwybodus, enthiwisiastig, mynd am heic 3 awr o amgylch canyon brenin, oedd yn gychwyn siwrnai addysgiadol yn son am fywyd y gymdeithas aboriginal, gweld rhyfeddodau daearyddol yr Uluru a Kata tjuda, Eistedd yng nghanol outback Awstralia yn edrych ar yr haul yn machlud yng nghefndir cymylau coch, cwympo i gysgu a'n boliau yn llawn llysiau wedi rhostio, chili, reis a chyri llysiau o flaen tanllwyth o dan yn syllu ar galaxy y milky way yn gefndir i'r ser bach yn gwenu uwch ein pennau, dysgu am bwysigrwydd planhigion a bwyd naturiol, bwyta swper ac wedyn breswast y bore wedyn tran gwylio lliw yr awyr yn araf droi wrth i'r haul ostwng / godi, neu hyd yn oed eistedd yng nghysgod yr Uluru yn gwrando ar storiau oedd yn cael 'u hadrodd at blant yr aboriginals, gweld oel eu hysgolion, yr initiations, ar traddodiadau oedd mor bwysig i'w datblygiad fel cymdeithas a'u llwyddiant fel unigolion.
meddwl ein bod wedi cael lliw haul arbennig, y tan lines sannau yn anhygoel . . .nes i ni gael cawod (ar yr ail noson) a gweld y lliw coch yn diferu lawr ein cosau. bwyta rol ham a chaws (joio) tra'n edrych allan dros y canyon, blodau a choed yn ryfeddol fyw o'n cwmpas ni, bwyta buffet yng nghysgod yr Uluru, ambell i lun grwp yn cael ei dynnu i ddal moment arbennig, miswsig cwwl yn cael ei chwarae tra'n trafeulio o un man i'r llall, ar bush toilet . . . . . . (falle ddim yn uchafbwynt) ond wir, wrth anadlu'r awyr glan, ar diwylliant traddodiadol oedd yn perthyn i'r byd roeddem yn ei brofi, doedd hyd yn oed sgwatio tu ol i wrych yn edrych allan rhag ofn i'r un gwrych fod wedi dal sylw teithiwr arall oedd a bladder llawn ddim yn poeni dim arnon ni.
Yn fwy na dim y cysgu. cael swag oedd wir (heb air o gelwydd) a matres, ac yn dal dwr (er, dydi'r ardal heb gael glaw ers 11mis) yn gyfforddus ddal ein bagiau cysgu. Wir, roeddwn fel tost, boed hynny drwy'r swag, neu'r tanllwyth tan (wedi hel y coed ein hunain) neu'r holl layers roeddwn yn ei wisgo, pwy a wyr . . . . . roedd hin rhy oer ar gyfer unrhyw fath o nadroedd, ac wir, doedd yr un person wedi gweld pry copyn. . . . . . be well na medru gorwedd i lawr yn gyfforddus, yn anadlu awyr glan ac edrych i fynu ar ser y nos yn tywynu. Dyma'r gore dwi wedi cysgu drwy'r trip hyd yn hyn.
Y ffordd adre, a chael cwrdd ac ambell i gamel mewn fferm i gamelod. Catrin yn neidio at y cyfle i reidio'r camel (oedd yn cael eu bridio gan brif fridiwr camelod cyflym yr ardal). Ac wrth wrando ar gerddoriaeth AC DC, albym dirty dancing a chaneuon or jyngl book cyrraedd nol, a rhuthro am gawod. Roedd parti i'w gael y noson hynny . . . . .
Ar ol bwyta Chili Con Carne am dri diwnrod, i ginio yn oer a swper yn boeth, yn naturiol neidiodd fy nghalon o weld ei fod ar y fwydlen . . . . ac yn fwy na hynny, mai cig kangaroo oedd wedi eio finsio i ganol y saws. rhedeg i'w ordro. Joio. Ambell i gwrw wrth rannu atgofion a chwerthin hefo'r un criw o 21. neidio mewn i fws mini wedyn (ynghyd a sawl person lleol) yn canu 'the lion sleeps tonight' (ac roedd hint o harmoneiddio) an cymryd i far / clwb o fath yn nghanol y dref . . . . bach yn hwyr yn dweud hyn, ond roedd gan y bar webcam, bydde modd i chi fod wedi'n gweld yn 'shaking our booty' ar y ddawns lawr . . . . . hyd yn oed fwy anhygoel . . . . . roedd modd i bobl,unrhyw le yn y byd fedru agor account ar wefan y bar, ac fel pe baent yn prynu llyfr trwy amazon roi pres at gwrw i ni yn Alice Srpings . . . bach yn araf fane . . . hehe. Gorffen y noson wedi gwneud ffrindie newydd, joio, ac hyd yn oed pigi back rhan or ffordd nol ir hostel!!!!! K.O o fath gwahanol, K.O yn ganlyniad i fod wedi mwynhau'r 3 diwrnod diwethaf . . . . . cysgu a gwen ar ein gwynebau.
Diwrnod tawel o gwmpas Alice Springs y diwnrod wedyn, yn datgan bob hyn a hyn gymaint roeddem wedi mwynhau, neu, methu coelio ein bod wedi gweld cymaint . . ac yn wir, cyn medru deud yr enw Uluru yn iawn, roeddem yn pacio ac yn mynd i gysgu yn ein noson olaf yn Alice Springs . . . . . . . .
Deffrais gyda naid (wir) wrth glywed anadlu trwm a rhywbeth yn crafangu i fynu fy ngwely i. y tywyllwch yn fy nallu, felly neidio i ben arall y gwely, yn sicr bod ci / dingo / cangarw / rhywbeth hefo crafangau oedd o bosib yn mynd i fy mwyta wedi llwyddo i ddod mewn i'r ystafell. y swn wedi deffro catrin, a thrwy olau'r hen fobile gweld dyn yn rolio o gwmpas fel pry genwair yn trio dringo i'w wely ei hun erbyn hyn yn ei drons . . . . dod i'r canlyniad mai'n cyd stafellwr oedd wedi dod nol yn feddw, a rhywsut mynd nol i gysgu i swn chwyrnu'r meddwyn, hyd nes i swn goriad yn y drws fy neffro, a gweld y cyd letywr yn sefyll yna yn syllu ar y dun hanner noeth yn ei wely . . . . . . meddwl dim or peth (doedd gen i ddim llygaid i mewn, felly ddim yn sicr pwy oedd pwy) Mynd am sgowt i'r toiled, a chael ei cyd letywr Thomas yn fy nilyn yn ol i'r ystafell, ac yn wir, roedd dyn yn gorwedd yn ei wely . . .ei ddeffro (ddim fi, ond erbyn hyn, 2 foi arall oedd wedi ymddangos yn yr ystafell fel papparazzi yn tynnu lluniau) a sylweddoli bod yr eidalwr (Wedi ei fabwysiadu'n pantso) wedi rhywsut stagro mewn i'r ystafell wedi meddwi . . . . ei gwestiwn cyntaf . . "I'm in alice springs right?" yr ail "how did this happen?" a'r trydydd "where are my trousers". ar ol sawl munud sylweddoli mai lletywr yn stafell 58 oedd yr hen pantso, ddim 56 fel yr oeddem ni gwnaeth adael. A nol i gysgu a ni am ambell awr cyn gorfod codi a dal y bys ymlaen at coober pedy. Neges y stori felly . . . . cofiwch gloi'r drws gyda'r nos!!!!
A dyna ni, mwy am coober pedy yn y man!!!
Cymerwch ofal gyfeillion!! Ac er gwybodaeth y myth am italian stallion . . . .ddim yn wir yn ol pantso. mae'n ymddangos bod y lluniau ar rhyw bwynt yn mynd i'w gweld ar youtube!!!
Llawer o gariad,
Sgityl, L.S & Ffis.
P.S i'r rheiny hefo diddordeb, mewn 3 diwnrod gwnaethom, o ddetu 1200km o drip. Swn i'n neidio at y cyfle o'i wneud eto!!! :D
Wow. Wow. Wow. fudge. seriously. Wow.
For those believing that camping is not for them, or not a good thing . . . well let me know if you feel the same after you read this!!!
The Rock tour. Ok, first impression on hearing this could be, what is so great about a tour around some rocks. Well, let me stop you there. what if I said, we were in a mini bus sharing the experience with another 18 people, guided by Sarah, who was young, enthusaistic, very educated, and seemed to have a good taste in music!! We went for a 3 hour hike around the kings canyon, eating our quite nice Ham and Cheese roll, cereal bar, and apple along the way, this was the start of an educational journey, learning about the aboriginal culture and traditions, learning about the amazing geological facts and images surrounding the Uluru and kata tjuda Sitting in the middle of the australian outback, nothing between us and the red clouds surrounding us as the sun fell into it's bed. Falling asleep with our stomachs full of Chilli, roasted vegetables, curried vegetables and rice, 21 of us lying around a flaming fire staring up into a navy sky, with small tiny lights hanging onto it, and a white cloud representing the milky way galaxy, only seen in the Australian Outback apparently, learning about the importance of certain plants and food, their value realised throught a trial and error method used by aboriginal people. eating a delicious pasta super and then breakfast while witnessing the colour changing skyline, and more amazingly the Uluru colour change as the sun fell / rose, or even sitting listening to 'children stories', (we are all children in the eyes of aboriginal culture until we are intiated or sent on walk about to become an adult) just as little aboriginal youngsters would of done, with each story reaching a moral life lesson. Listening, looking at the educational evidence given through stone art, the possible initiations and the general traditions which carved and symbolised the development and importance of the aboriginal way of life.
The tan line was much improved by the trekking and our general way of life in the outback . . . especially the red / brown sand which we watched wash away in the much needed shower we had on the second night. For 2 days . . . we all had an awsome tan. plenty of group photo moments taken, great music played as we travelled from one area to the next . . . and obviously, the bush toilet (had to mention the bush toilet) ok, so maybe not the highlight . . . but I swear there was something quite amazing about walking out into the outback, with a torch and full bladder for company, choosing a suitable bush, and breathing in the fresh air, sensing freedom, subtlely checking around incase the same bush had cought a fellow pee buddy's attention!
The highlight, for me, other than the trekking, the views, the food, the company, the music, the stories, the learning was the sleeping. We were all given swags a big waterproof sack, with (no word of a lie) a matress in side. It held us warm against the wind and possible rain as we cuddled up deep inside in our sleeping bag. Was so warm, not sure if it was the blazing fire (which we'd picked the wood for ourselves) the swag, the sleeping bag or the layers of clothes I was wearing . . it was too cold for snakes, and no one had seen spiders, Is there anything better than being cozy warm, lying in the fire light, staring up into the dark sky, having twinkling stars smiling back, and the milky way passing by . . .me thinks not. no question, this was the best I'd slept the whole trip so far.
On the way back we met some camels . . . it was an organised meeting! and a chance for those daring few to ride them. Incidentally the man who owned them was the top bloke for breeding the fastest camels in the area! And, so, as we rode home (back in the bus at this point) listening to AC DC, some dirty dancing songs (I've had the time of my life - rather fitting) and the jungle book, we rucked up back to toddy's, with an united need for a shower. There was also a chance to boogy that night . . . . .
After having chilli con carne constantly for 3 days, cold for lunch, heated up for dinner, you can imagine the jump my heart made when seeing the special offer kangaroo chilli con carne. It was delicious!!!! And so was the beer which accompanied it!! following food, we jamp into the shuttle mini bus which was to cart us off to the saloon bar. A few locals joined us, and gave us a rendition of the 'lion sleep's tonight' harmonies included . . . which prompted a 'not all australians are like this' response by two of our fellow rock tourers!! It became evident by the end of the night that possibly they are. they all love a good night!!! and that night was a good one, with a lot of dancing, chatting, mischief and laughing!!! Even more amazing was the fact that (and yes, I am a bit late in telling y'all this) there were webcams all around the pub, which meant that people could log onto the website anywhere in the world, and bar a few minutes to catch up with the booty shaking we were trying to do there in Alice springs . . . even more amazing was the fact that these people, from all over the world could open an account on the website, and give credit, which essentially meant they were buying beer to certain people within that pub, and see them drink their money away!!!! a revolutionary way to develop the drinking culture me thinks!!! We finished the night having made new friends, and actually managed to get a piggy back part of the way back to the hostel, falling asleep with a huge grin on our faces, be it partly the beer, and partly the amazing adventure we'd just experience. If you get the opportunity to participate in the tour . . 2 words. . . DO IT!!!!!
it took a whole day to recover, being clean also got some getting used to, but after walking around alice springs for a whole afternoon, seeing the different sights and galleries, we were ready to go back, pack, snack and sleep. And that's what we did!!!
So, I was sleeping like a baby, having the greatest dream, not a care in the world, when I was quite rudely woken up to some very very heavy breathing and to something / someone clawing at my bed, trying to get into it . . . I sat upright, trying to figure out how a dog / dingo / kangaroo / gigantic human eating cockroach managed to get into our room, and what I was going to do about it, when Catrin's mobile light came on to show a (it seems italian we named pantso) slithering around the floor like a snake trying to climb into the already low bottom bunk. his bottom bunk . . not mine. Although shaken, I came to the conclusion that it was our room mate who'd return intoxicated, and was going to sleep it off . . . this notion was comfort, even through the "My choice, my choice" he was muttering, and I managed to fall into some kind of sleep . . right up until the moment the door opened showing our actual room mate Thomas, staring at this mountain of a man lying in his bed, snoring, wearing nothing but very tight and small briefs. he returned (our housemate) again at 6, armed with 2 friends with camera phones and, after asking quite nicely if we minded him turning the lights on, half shouted . . . "mate, what you doin in my bed". His response came in three questions . . . . . 1) "This alice springs, yes? 2) What happened? (good question) 3) Where are my trousers? having answered these question with a brief, yes, who knows, who knows he left . . . leaving us to grab a few hours sleep before going to catch our bus out. It seemed that old pantso was a resident of room 58 not 56 as we were in. And the moral of this story . . . . lock your doors at night!!!!!!
For those who might be inetersted, it was mentioned that the pictures taken of this incident will appear on youtube at some point.
And that's it for now, more soon covering the opal capital of the world Coober pedy.
Cheerio, take care and keep smiling. for the record, the 'italian stallion' myth is, it seems, just that, a myth!!!!
Sgityl, L.S & Ffis.
short fact here that it seems we managed to travel about 2000km in 3 days . . .and you know what, I'd jump at the chance to do it again!!!
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