just found you website again. No one has spoken in 2007 until now. Read nanny's card the other day and was looking for NZ photos. Hope you are well and see you after summer!
WOW just been catching up on what you have been upto, sorry again for being crap crap crap at keeping in contact. the photos of your adventures look amazing its great to see and hear what you have been upto!
looking forward to hearing it all in full when you get back to the shire, oh yes wicked!
anyways bye bye take care!
looks like your heading to melbourne, if u are let me know, and i will get cam to take you out on the piss and show u around. where do u go at 4am when all the nightclubs are shut in melbourne?
to the 24hour casino of course!
hope alls well mate and that woodsys allright.
see you round
have just got back from holiday i have sent you an e.mail, why has it gone quiet, are you still around! any pictures or news from australia hear from you soom
Laura (Of The Bayliss Variety)
Hi Alex!
Just thought I'd say hello. Some of my mates (yes, my fit female mates) from uni are heading over to Sydney in about a month. Not that that means much to you, but if you bump into any hot english chicks that swear they know you it's probably because they recognise you from the rediculous amount of photos I had plastered over my walls at uni.
Hope it's all going well, and how about updating your journal sometime - I need something to entertain me at work!
x x x x x x
That's alright. Bring it on. I can fight back with my tasteful displays of stereotypical English-isms and overuse of the word "well" you guys seem to love so much.
Just kidding. Sydney should be interesting. Hope to see you guys around.
Yeah i know mate, what an idiot! Mickey your not gonna know whats hit you when you reach bondi beach! If it wound you up last time....you've heard nothing yet! Hope your enjoying Viet..NAM mate! "Who loves you more than i do..eh?? Who loves you more than i do???" etc etc
Mikey's missing the Gangster accents?! If he does stop off in Sydney he's gonna regret saying that!!
Have just emailed you mate, according to your map thing you are currently in the middle of the ocean somewhere between australia and new zealand, ive heard its really nice there this time of year.
Marco And Luca Frondella
hi alex
4 stars on a shirt italia italia england are disapointing not like the italains least we have 4 years to celebrate 4 stars
Katie Fron
hi alex sorry we haven't written for ages. Your travels sound unbelievable. Just got back from cornwall (st mawes) and enjoyed the rest. We have just got a new computer which marco is well pleased about. I have got ellie staying with us and she's fine. Your mum has now gone on holiday, so get in touch if you need anything! Hope you are well heard you have got a job. Getting luca's uniform today for myton. Went to tim's party and it was good fun. keep up your diary. Love Katie, luigi (four stars), marcol, luca and luisa.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What's up mate?
Heard you got well pissed a few times already in Australia and ended up a bit wrecked from Lisa's description.
I tell you, it's not the same without you and your wingman throwing the banter around. I'm starting to miss that awesome American italian gangster accent you put on. Really, I didn't think I could miss something so absolutely horrible.
Cambodia was a bit of a wash. Ended up drinking a lot with some Irishmen (whoa now, that's a tough stretch already). Met some crazy Dutch guy who hated everyone and smoked a bit too much for his own good. Did the usual tourist things like Angkor Wat, and went to Sihanoukville.
Arrived in 'Nam two days ago. An interesting place. 3 weeks or so and i'm headed to New Zealand with a possible stopover in Sydney if you're still living there.