alex's most Excellent adventures!
'Nha Trang' a town half way down the coast of vietnam. It boasts a huge golden beach and with bars, clubs and booze crusies its known for its party scene!
Its therefore no surprise woodsy and I took to it like duck to water! So much so that we feel we have spent one too many days in Nha Trang and are in serious need of a detox. Not too mention the purse strings need a little tightening for a while!
In Nha trang our time was divided equally between hitting the beach in the day (recovering from previous night) and hitting the bars at night! Accumulating in some wicked nights out, all of which were eventful to say the least!
In no particular order:
-I got pick pocketed in the club and the first thing I knew about it was when I was walking back to my hostel and a girl on a motorbike sped pass me, throwing my wallet (minus 4000 dong) back at me!
- The club we were in had to be evacuated as security had sprayed mace at some belgian guy who had been kicking off! Meaning everyone was left coughing and had to run out on to the beach to recover!
-The owners of a bar we were sat at were performing there apparantly 'legendary' dance routine to jacko 'beat it', when from nowhere a motorcycyclist hit one of them and then slid (sparks flying everywhere) for some 50 feet or so before people went rushing to help! 10 stitches later however, the owner was back and drinking buckets with us!
Saying all that we had an excellent time and met some wicked people, some of which we will meet later on in the south of Vietnam. It was also good to finally get some beach time and lose our somewhat pastey tans!
Next stop in a town called Dalat, where we shall stay one night before reaching our final destination in Viet Nam of Ho Chi Minh city or Saigon as its formely known!
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