The Adventures of Nat "Sully" Clarke
Last night with the Gap group was awesome (if a bit sad - miss them all loads!!) We went out and had sheesha and booze...ahhh....lovely!! then we went to Kanchaaburi the next day to Tiger Temple - AMAZING!!! I got to cuddle a tiger!!! that night Jim, Jen and I went to a Ping Pong show - it was hilarious but never again!! We got a tuk tuk home with the most amazing drive - Charlie - he kept doing wheelies!! then we called on Tim in his room and he answered the door in his pants - he'd thought we were his girlfriend Donna who was visiting, ha ha, she arrived soon later!!
The next day Jim and I went off to Koh Phanan...took an overnight train, a coach, and a boat to get there...but it wa ssoooooooooooooo worth it!!!!!!
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