Hiya kids, so glad that you are both still enjoying yourselvs, but missing us all here in the rainy UK.
A. She
Hiya kids, so glad that you are both still enjoying yourselvs, but missing us all here in the rainy UK.
Happy new year becks, hope you're getting on well, took a wee gander at your photos and it's looks as though you are. Muchas gracias to your mum and dad for the Happy New Year card, very nice thing to do. take care dude xx
hello becks, happy new year. Hope ure both having a good time. You have inspired me. Im going thailand for a month in the summer. paid for my tckts today. keep in touch. p.s (i looked good mincing around in your fury jacket) ha ha.
Love ya xxxxxxxxxx
The Harts
Hello Kids, a very happy new year. Loved the latest photos. (cottoned on to the rabid dogs, do you eat them after photgraphing them ?) from the photos looks like you are missing everyone. You both look great. Love you both loads X X X
The Harts
Have a very happy 2006 !
I can see in the pictures that you're both having lots of fun, keep up the good work :-)
Happy New Year to you both! I am glad that the rain has gone off, and that you now have sunshine. Make sure you put the old sun block stuff on. Congrats on the diving course too Becks. Nat did your dad really duck you under the water? It Sunday morning the first day of 2006 and we too have sunshine, still very cold though. Just been down to your Nans and she sends you loads of love and wants me to wish you a very happy new year. Take care of yourselves. Oh now that Katie is home maybe her and Anna will get together and post some jokes - they must have some new ones by now!! Love ya loads. A. She xxx
Hiya Beck's and Nat!
Sounds like you had an ace Christmas!
I went the Priory last night and it was quite dull without you brightening the place up! It didn't stop us drinking 2 or 3 bottles of wine though!
I'll probably not get back on here before New Year so celebrate it in style girls! Have a fantastic New Years Eve and an Even better 2006!
Lots and Lots of Love and Hugs.
Owens Crew
Hello Girls,
hope Becky has cruised the diving and Natalie hasn't got sunstroke !Just want to wish you both a very happy new year,just keep up the good work getting drunk that is and have a fabulous night.Take care of each other and we'll speak soon love to you both as always mum/aunty shaz and the gang.xxxxxxxx
A. She
Hi there Beck and Nat -Its Boxing Day and I am watching Girls Aloud on the tv whilst catching up with all that you are up to. Hope that you both had a wonderful day yesterday and that your dinner was a good one, what did you have to eat?? Nan went up to A. Di's for lunch yesterday so we went up there to see her. Baby Jack entertained us - well U. John with Jack's new train set (Thomas Tank) U. John enjoyed himself so much - it was hard to get him out. Do you know where you are spending New Years Eve - hope you have a great time. Keep the news coming.
Love ya - A. She xxxxxx
Hey Beck! Merry Christmas and hope you're having a boss time exploring jungles and meeting thai lady-boys.
The pictures look great but I bet they don't really do justice to what your seeing- I'm proper jealous!
Take care hun and have a great new year too...