Hello girlies, things are looking pretty bleak for mine and Anna's bdays! We've decided to go out on Sunday - SUNDAY!! To celebrate TWO birthdays we're going out on Sunday! It's just not the same anymore! I miss you both loads and wish you were here to get drunk with to celebrate getting older. Anna, I don't remember saying I'd phone you to go for a drink last week but my brain is a bit pickled so could well have done - soz la! Daves, I agree with Anna about the CK model - maybe he models for Celvin Kleen! Love ya millions and miss you more. Kate xxxx
Hiya Chickenheads
Hope u are both missing England (The cold the rain the snow and out of date Christmas cake).
It feels like twenty five years and six months two days and a couple of hours since you've been gone.
We wanted to win the 85 Million on the Euro millions so we could come and see you, or if not just send you a tenner each.
Missing u loads good to see you enjoying yourself don,t forget to stroke the dogs.
YO YO YO girlies, missing you loads, (like a hole in the head). Kate i thought you were meant to be calling me on friday night as we were meant to be going for a drink!!! so don't blame me. i put an offer in on a house today lars, hope it gets accepted. anyway, have to go, a schoi schoi schoi and all that jazz. oh and Nat, it wasn't a dolphin, Kate was right, it was actually a Whale. think it was called Dave.
Hi Daves, I'm afraid the beemer garage aint having none of it - they don't seem to understand that I would like the car for nothing so I can come and see you two! I don't have to pay for it for another two months so there's an interesting gap in between where, should I aquire the necessary holiday time, I may be up for a bit of arm twisting - it's just so D A M N far!! I'll have a think. Take care of yourselves...and eachother...JERRY JERRY JERRY. Speak to you on my bday then - and Natalie, 23 will be knocking on your doors very soon too - it's not THAT old! Love ya millions xxx
Peter (Priory Well Former Employee Woooooo)
hey ladeez haha got ya txt nat was jus boogien to footloose in the flex the otha nite we finally had our christmas nite out in the pri was a bit drunk tha pole neva saw so much action!!! hahah even ritchie was on it lolol no goss for ya at all gutted i haven't got ne meself!!! ooooooooo am goin to malia at the end of aug finally get a holiday!!!! how ya doin bex? how is it dwn unda? av gotta go to wrk in a sec can't b assed!!!!! i go to see kelly clarkson in the MEN on 10th march how jealous are you can't wait will think of ya as am dancin away and she serenading me on the stage (i wish!!!!!!!) have been drinkin a few jd's and roses in memory of ya both every time been in the pri!! where yas off to next? newayz gtg see ya soon try n fone me one nite if ya can misssin yas loads!!!!! muwhahahahahahahha byeeeeee xxxxxxxxxx
Paul Prc
Looks like you are havin a ball in OZ, I like Wilma!
Did you get to go diving then on Koa Toa how was it? bet it was well good.
Wish i was there instead of yous as my dissertation is a f**** nightmare.
Gotta go work to do and all that jazz
Later x x
Nat/sandfly Lady
Glad to see you're back on the world wide web Chi Chi, missed you loads!!! Anna, hope you didn't insult loads of people in the Priory when you were tipsy, know what you're like when you've had two glasses of wine!! Spill the goss Pee! Kate, I'm sure people don't think you're suicidal - i feel your pain over the dolphin. I'll break the news gently when we see his mates in Byron Bay! was great speaking to you last night, miss you loads, really do think you should ask the lovely people at BMW to give you some money back so you can come out here! and stick Anna in your suitcase! Will phone you two ladies on your birthdays, can't believe you're both nearly 23!!! how bloody ancient!! glad mine is a few months away! Love you all lots xxxxxxxx
Nat And Beck
Hi all, you'll be pleased to know that the sun has finally come out!! Two consecutive days of sunshine and scorchio weather, touch wood it continues for the next 4 months!! We've acquired ourselves Australian sim cards, here's our numbers for you to contact us on: Becky: 0061432855740. Nat: 0061431957699 (this one is very important, call/txt it lots). Text Natalie 1st so she feels more popular, cos Beck has a special some1 and gets lots of messages!!! xxxxxxx
Oh by the way, just to keep you up to date with the british news, there's been a young bottle-nosed whale stranded in the Thames (they reckon it got seperated from it's pod) and they've tried to rescue it for two days now - I've just found out that it's died! I think I might have to un-lock the paracetamol.... life's just so unfair. Poor thing :-( By the way, for anybody who doesn't know me, I'm not actually suicidal so please don't worry - I'm only slightly mentally unstable :-)
Hello ladeeez, was nice talking to you both today (at long last). Beck, I've cancelled the car and I'm booked on the next flight out!!! Only joking (I bet there was a moment of panic there wasn't there)! I really wish I was there tho. Might try and schedule in another trip before you come back but all depends on work. Missing you both loads, especially because ANNA b*****s off to the priory without so much as giving me the courtesy of pretending to want me there (more annoyed that someone got drunk without me being present to absorb the units)!! Anyway girls, gotta go and absorb some units all by mon self. 'All by my....self, don't wanna be all by.... my...self...any..more'! Don't worry, the paracetamol is safely locked away and I'm happy to carry on until you're both back safely on british soil :-):-) Give the koalas a kiss from moi and give each other one too (a kiss from me that is)!! Love you both a billion trillion. Bri xxxx
Hollo laaadeees!!! I'm Kevin and this is my fellow deejaaaay Paaary!!
nice sandfly snacky legs nat, what were you doing to get them?
I'm liking the wildlife photography, tis very 'richard attenborough'. went to the priory last night and go so blind drunk, i couldn't see, i was sick and everything. Nat you'll be pleased to know i never lost my dignity tho!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wa wa!!!
anyshways, gotta dash goin for an indian, not an actual indian, just indian food. i'll have a bajhi for you both.