hi nat, love your pic's (a few fit aussies in there!) enjoy Oz, i'm soooo jealous. Keep in touch and have a brilliant time. xxxx
Peter (Priory Well Former Employee Woooooo)
nat laird bex laird finally got me tinternet up and runnin wooohoooo. can yas believe no longer in the pri finally got out!!! and full time in littlewoods!! ooooo howz yas both doin lovin all the pics and messages speakin of that remember seein me last nite anna YA PISS ED!!! HAHAHA hope yas are both fine and havin the time of yas lifes and will keep checkin and postin later la xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Bex - I can e mail now- YEAH!!!!! How are ya hunni? you gals look like you're having the bestest time EVER!!!!Im missing you and ya gads moves 65 million - lovin the tan chica, you're looking muy guaps!!!Watched child of our time for ya sunday and its sooooo not the same outside of the gads residence!!!desperate starts again this week too - whats gonna happen to treat night now!!!ifyou're on ya way to Oz watch out for those crocs - me and juds are gonna have to post you a joint message with all our steve irwin warnings-those red belly black snakes arent as cute as they look ya know!!!! take care of yaselves chicas, 65 million hugs to ya.ill write again soon with a desperate update!!!!MISS YOU FAT HEAD!!MWAH MWAH
Owens Crew
Hello girls,glad to hear you have arrived in australia safe and well.ItS hard to believe two months almost has passed already,time to recharge ,plan your time and enjoy, enjoy ,enjoy.(well all still be here when you get back ) Continue on with your brilliant adventure ,keep us up to date with your fab bulletins.If karen reads this many thanks for looking after and entertaining Natalie and Becky. Take care of each other girls love to you both,Mum /Aunty Shaz and the gang xxxxxxxx
Owens Crew
I Hope you are enjoying your trip around the world
From Teh Duracell
It was great seeing you both - most of the guys at Penny Black would agree with me - only sad thing was that Anna couldn't make it!!!!
Nat And Beck
We should be in Australia now, but we changed our flight so we could experience a bit more of Singapore! (plus the match was on last night and we would have missed it if we had flown out as planned! Harry Kewell!! Not such a tart!) We should be in Brisbane on 17th January, as long as we make the flight! xxxxx
The Harts
hello girls ,we,ve got the wrong idea of this trip we thought it was to experience new things ,we already knew you could drink like fish and party like maniacs. pictures are good especially the Barbie tut tut. beck you know the usual spiel no rabid dogs ,no letting each other out of your sight .and no taking any notice of the lady-boys or the only job you'll get when you come home is working in' funny girls'. JAMES only said allthat to cover his own ASS . love you loads hug for nat
Mr Pink
Bonjour ladies! Looks like you are still having fun, which is really rather good. It's taken a few weeks to figure out how to post a message - but I just wanted to say that I am somewhat displeased at the state of oneself in the photos entitled 'Bangkok with Kate and James'. I thought I had experienced a few things in life but no, you have gifted me with the ability to not remember an entire night of my life. Luckily, the pictures of me and my exposed behind are committed to the internet forever to remind me and to warn many others of the dangers of the bucket. Thank you. Along with the visit to the hospital with a crippling bout of gastritis and a rather intimidating flight home surrounded by eastern europeans and aeroplane-destroying turbulance (not to mention the security alert and the cargo bay door that wouldn't stay shut), I had a wonderful time. Hope you did have a spiffing Christmas and new year, and that your future adventures turn out to a little more inhibited than mine. Apologies for scaring any small children. By the way, watch out for that Asian Bird Flu. Apparently it's untweetable. Take care. Mr Pink
TOPSHOP in Malaysia?! For Gods sake, Arcadia are on a mission to take over the highstreets of the world!
Missing you loads ladies, so jealous of all the lovely places you're going. Im ecpecially jealous of you going to Australia...please take loads of gorgeous pics there!
Anyway - stay safe ladies and keep having the time of your life.
A. She
I keep hitting the return button - and messing things up - sorry.
Your pictures are showing us all just how much you are missing us. It must have been terrible having to get on that aircond'd bus, but so glad that you got there in one piece. Keep the updates coming and the pics. Love ya loads. Oh Becky well done with the reminder to the 'memory man' about Nans b/day, she thinks that HE actually remembered !!! Love ya Take care - A. She xxx