Happy Crimbo girlies!!! Hope the showers and xmas dinner were good! Missing u 65 million xxxxxxxxxxxx
The Harts
happy christmas kids thanks for the phone call missed u loads we felt all day that there was something missing love u loads mum and dad love to nat
Hiya Rebecca and Nat
Missing you loads. Its not been the same without you. I hope you have had a lovely christmas and santa brought you plenty of nice things. Keep safe love to you both.
Hope you and Nat are having the time of your lives. keep it up and i look forward to seeing you new Year,Love Nanny B
thinking of you. merry christmas and happy new year. love you nanny B
Drunken Monkey
hiya girls jus wana wish ya a merry xmas. x x x x
Merry christmas Natalie & Becky.Hope you have a great day.Don't get too jealous thinking about our christmas
quiz night while you're doing boring stuff like sightseeing,sunbathing,drinking and more drinking!
Take care love Carol and Terry.xxxx
The Harts
Hello Kids,
Just to wish you a merry Christmas...... Will you celebrate Christmas day before or after us ????
Loads of love to both of you.
The Harts X X X X X
Hiya Nat & Becky Hope yas have a great christmas and a good new year dont miss us to much tho. Hope yas r havin a great time and enjoy the rest of ya journey Lots and lots of love Leah xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Nat & Beck all i really want to say is HO HO HO Merry Christmas and a happy new year Love From Cara xxxx
Hiya ladies,
HBO is a God send isn't it?!
Anyways - just a little note to wish you both a very Merry Christmas.
iya just to say happy christmas and hope use both are having a good time lots of lv sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Nat, Hi Beck just your lovely dad saying happy christmas, hope your having fun hope your not getting too drunk drinking all those buckets. thinking of you on christmas day cooking the dinner- do you want me to save you one lol. lots of love dad xxxxx
p.s. shaz is enjoying having the car to herself again