Hey laydeez.
missing you both allready. hope it's bloody cold and raining!!! only joking. im contemplating a Havsert after thinking about all the proper bo food you're gonna be eating. might boycott it till you both get back tho.(ha!! as if!!) anywayz, you'll be pleased to know that the weather is less than nice and it's so cold im freezing my maraccas off!! make sure you e.mail our karen and sort out when you're goin, cos she might be away if you don't.
anyway, lovely to see your rather beautiful photos, put some more on asap.
take care and ill go the Harvey for you both.
love you
hey becks, how u doin love? just wanted to say i hope you have a great time travelling and take care of yourself. not much going down my end, sure your life is always much more exciting than mine! haa u prob guessed that already. hopefully see you when you get back and get a weekend to catch up, i know ive said that before and i do feel bad that we aint met up sooner! but i mean it defo. anyways take care, best wishes, love nic xxx
Hola ladies, cant believe youz have gone already!! and i didnt even have drinks with youz!! Well, have a fantabulous time, be safe - dont speak to strangers (unless they're gorgeous), hold hands when crossing the road, etc, etc...Love youz loads xxxxxxxx
Hi Mand & Nat, hope u have a fabulous time, get drunkered and be careful! Let me know where to go in Thailand, 42 sleeps til i get there!! Woo Hoo! Missing u 65 million already! xxxxxxxxxxx
Kate (Brianne, Dave Etc)
Hello Daves,
How very nice of you to post those crap drunken pics of me before you left - ah well we're only young once. Missing you both already and wishing I was there loads.
Take care of yourselves
Kate xxx
Marg & Jim
Sorry we never seen you before you went Beckski, hope you and Nat enjoy every minute.
Love you Marg & Jim X
A. She
Hi me luvs! I have printed out your arrival note to take home to yer Nana, she will love it. So keep them clean - or I'll just vet them and take home the clean ones! Jack has been up and told her that you had arrived and she in turn phoned me. Its great that we can keep in touch this way and know where you are and what you are up to, so keep them coming.
Take care - love yer loads and loads
A. She xxx
Hey ladies!!
Ive just browsed the photo's...NICE!
Just wanted to say hope you both have an absolutely fantastic time, be careful, look after each other and get drunk as often as you can...especially in Australia! "Throw Another Shrimp On The Barby" and all that guff!
Take care girlies...love you's loads
Hi Ladies. London Calling!! Just got your mail, and just wanted to wish you both the best of luck! Hope you both have a fantastic time, and I will, of course follow your progress. Have loads of fun with the Thai Peasants and Lady Boys!!!