Nat and Beck Go Large!
On Tuesday we managed to make it out of the room again, god we've been active this week. We generally minced around the town, had a look in the tacky tourist shops and enjoyed a small beverage in a trendy cafe with comfy chairs. As we've discovered on our (not so) extensive travels, part of being cultural is getting to know what the locals enjoy in their spare time - ie having a pint in a nice bar! Plus they had the TV on so we really got into the mindset and watched Australian wheel of fortune. Its much more Hi-Tech than its British counterpart, the tart in the frock doesn't have to worry about spinning the letter squares around, she just presses a button and its done! The wonders of modern technology in the new world, outstanding!
On our last night in Cairns we thought it was only right to spend some quality time in the bar underneath the hostel which we had been neglecting. We finally made it down for happy hour - which on reflection could have been a mistake! We got a seat at the quite end of the bar near the dance floor 'cos we weren't really up for a big one. Two Aussie girls, Amy and Annie, started talking to us and we had quite a giggle with them. A little later on they started some games on the dance floor - our little haven was soon rammed with blokes trying to get an eye full of the girls playing the games who were getting pregressively more tipsy and less clothed. Wasn't too bad though, by this time Nat and I had had a skin full of the happy hour vino and had prime seats to watch other people acting 'silly' - makes a change!
After a while we'd had enough and decided we should get something to eat and go to bed. I enjoyed some pomme frites, Nat didn't want any at all but after some gentle persuasion (ie none at all) she helped me eat them. She decided on a hot dog which seemed like a good idea at the time - wasn't such a good idea in the morning when we found the remains of supper in the turn-ups of her jeans! He he
On wednesday we checked out of our hostel - which we really didn't want to do due to its larger than usual bunk beds - and made our way to the greyhound station to get a bus to mission beach. Funnily enough it was raining again!
Lots of love Beck and Nat xxx
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