Hope you's are all good! i just went to see Harry Potter!!! lol it was coolio and yes i am very sad for going to see it but hey it had to be done im not risking it being shown in spanish in chile or something! but anyhoo im up in cairns now and was going to blog from airlie beach and write about the whitsundays sailing adventure but the stupid sta blog site wouldnt load at all yesterday so il have to write it from here.
I caught a well loaded bus from hervey bay to airlie beach which was not cool as i couldnt use two seats and lay down but it wasnt the end of the world i did survive ... just!!! i was travelling with (well we were on different buses but going the same place at the same time!) two guys i met on the fraser tour who are cool Ashley and Jon (ashley is a girl by the way and found it hilarious that thats my dads name as they are from canada where ashley is a girls name lol!) so we checked in and the next day walked to catch our boatys! we were on different ones again but met up after. my boat was called the Habibi which i think means darling and was ... basic but still fun! there was 27 of us on a not so huge boat and it ended up that i had to share not only a room with 8 people but a bed with 5 of them! yes people i shared a bed with 5 people lol! who i did not know but we did after the 2 nights lol 4 of the people were couples so the guys went on the seperate bed bits and all us girls shared this big giant bed thing! It was cool though everyone was really nice and no one was creepy lol we also found some little friends (bugs!) in it too but none of us got bit so we reckon we got them in time :-s gross!!!!!!
Aside from the bugs it was a really cool trip and the food was real good, we had 3 good meals a day plus morning tea and afternoon tea which was stuff like nachos and dip, chocolate cake, biscuits etc! i was very impressed! we saw whales too on the last day on the way home! they were coming out of the water to blow water out of their blow-hole thingys! twas well coolio and we saw some dolphins jumping out of the water alongside the boat for a bit too! and a turtle (actually alive this time!) swam by too but i didnt see any when we went snorkelling on the second day which was really cool and unlike thailand the coral was actually alive and all different shapes, sizes and colours and we saw heaps of cool fishys but alas no nemo!!!
I noticed when i logged on here that my last blog looked like it had been typed by a complete moron and had more typo's and terrible sentences than ever so sorry if it hardly made sense lol! i blame the stupid keyboard i had to use it was giant and stupid!!!
So im in cairns now which is very nice, there is massive trees and plants along side the roads which look like tiny parts of a rainforest has just been plonked on the sidewalk! the birds are THE noisiest things ever in those trees! And im staying in an all girls hostel which was recommended to me by the girls i met on fraser as the woman who runs it is nicknamed Mother and is really lovely and the place is sooo nice and clean! i wish i was here a bit longer now but ive got a flight at 5.45am!!! in the morning back to sydney ready for my flight to chile on monday, but that does mean i get to see the famo again woop! and maybe this time i leave them il be able to say goodbye lol when lucy and the kids dropped me off to the station the other day we got a little bit lost beforehand so i arrived a teeny bit late as in literally as it was about to leave so i had to just leap out of the car, grab my bags, give lucy a quick kiss and run (with my backpack!) to the bus which wasnt even in a hurry and the driver wasnt bothered at all and not even in the bus yet!!! but it was funny after lolllll!!!
Im off now to try and finish me book so i can swap it for another before i leave and then get my free dinner which i found im entitled to through the hostel woop woop!!!!! so take care and if i dont blog in Sydney then this will be my last ozzy blog and il be in the last chunk of my little trip and be in South America WOOOO!!!!!!!
lotsa love Natty
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