Buenos Dias Amigos!!!
(not sure if thats entirely correct Shona will know lol!)
As you will have gathered i am now in Chile!!! which is very cool! and not as chilly as i thought it would be which is even better! it was freezing last night when i went out for food but today its been totally blue skies and i even took my jumper off (i did go out wearing two lol i thought it was going to be like last night!)
So since the last blog i have flown to sydney where i spent the day and night with lucy and david and the kiddies again ooh and their newest addition Moose!!! they havent got really radical with their pet buying it is a dog lol he came with the name moose and it just sort fo fits him so they didnt change it! he is very cute and shy! we went to the beach for a walk and a cheeky hot chocolate and we took the kids to the aquarium in the evening too to see the spongebob exibition which they loved! ( and me obviously i have the mental age of a 7 year old when it comes to spongebob and nemo lol! as it was the evening and hardly anyone was there all the fish and animals were really active and cool!!! we also went to the surf club for cartoons for the kids and beers for the adults and it was quite hilarious when i got a beer from the bar and then a kid comes round who is handing out chocolates to the children only and gives me one so i had a beer in one hand and a kiddies chocky in the other! and lets face it i wasnt going to correct him and turn down a chocolate was i!!! i also went with lucy to see their friends art work. He isnt just someone who is good at art he is like a proper proper artist and his work was just amazing! he can replicate perfectly any peice of art or style and his own stuff is amazing too i wish i could put some in a house if i had one lol!!! but i did get postcards so theyre going straight in the scrapbook!
next morning i got up at the crack of a sparrows fart again! and david very kindly took me to the airport to catch my flight to Santiago where i found out we were having a cheeky stop in auckland new zealand on the way! so that was really cool as its another country onto the list (ok so i only saw the inside of the airport but hey i went there and saw it from the sky! it was really beautiful! and lord of the ringsy in the distance!) the flight was cool nothing major or too exciting and then iarrived in Chile woop!!! i caught the bus thing to my hostel after getting out 40,000 pesos lol its only about 35 pounds but sounds cool! the hostels really nice and evreyones friendly and id say about 95% of the people here are doing this teaching english volunteer program so its like a ghost town in the day and come 5pm its totally rammed! and the vast majority are americans with about 3 brits and a few ozzys and kiwis. they give the people on the program a free dinner so i asked if i could at least have a dinner and was totally willing to pay and the guy was like err well no its just for those on the program so luckily my roomies took pity and walked with me to a cafe thing round the corner and helped me order some food! which was lovely we didnt know what it was on the menu it just said (in spanish) chicken tomato so i thought id get chicken in a tomato sauce or somehting but it was a chicken and tomato burger which was the best ive ever had! good times!!!
i went out exploring today and went up the Santa Lucia Hill which is in the middle of the city and is as you guessed a huge hill thing with loads of slippy ass steps which i did fall down lol but nobody saw and i didnt die but i swear those steps are slippy and uneven and i must have lost my footing at least 5 times today!!! but the view was really cool and you could see all of the city and its surrounded by the mountains (the andes i think) which are beautiful! but there was a lot of smog lower down so you could on ly really see clearly the biggest snowiest mountains but they were still really pretty! all the tourist books rave about the plaza de armas or something like that and i tried to find it but only found a mall looking like thing literally 5 or 6 floors of hairdressers! i dont know how any of them make any money with so many of them but there was loads of them! it looked a bit shabby and there was only a dingy aracade thing in the bottom so i reckon i didnt find it and so il go look properly with my eyes tomorrow! ooh and ive realised what england needs that will solve all its problems! Street food. i know your probably thinking oh jeez shes on about food again but really it is the answer! all the best places to be have amazing street food! imagine walking down the high street and being able to get brazilian donuts, or mango with sticky rice or pad thai, or fresh fruit, shakes, pop corn, pancakes with every topping imaginable, nuts nuts and more nuts!!! its fresh, cheap and keeps you happy!
i think thats enough rambling today and people are coming back from school now so il try and get someone to either convince the hostel people to let me have food or come with me to get some lol! i really dont think its unreasonable theyre feeding about 130 people seriously whats 1 more! i would say i dont eat much but we all know thats a lie hehe!
anyhoo take care everyone, thanks for your messages too!
lots and lots of love Natty
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