Neil's Round the World Trip!
Hey everyone, I got up really early today even though a little hungover as me, Pat and Rob went drinking in Hindley St last night. We just made it to our tour bus at 7.45am and then drove through the beautiful Adelaide Hills and stopped off in Gumeracha where we saw the biggest rocking horse in the southern hemisphere (It's 25ft). It's a bit tacky but makes a good photo opportunity for tourists like me! I finally saw kangaroos and emus today, it was really amazing-the kangaroos can jump an 8ft fence!
We then drove further into the Barossa Valley and stopped off in a German settlement called Hanhdorf. It had a sweet shop with sweets from around the world so I had some Irn-Bru bars! Our next stop was the "whispering walls" which is walls either side of a curved reservoir. When you speak, people on the other side 140 metres away can hear you so clearly as though you were right beside them. It was really funny.
We then continued through vineyards and picturesque villages until we drove over a small bridge-it was Jacob's Creek. We drove to the Orlando winery which makes Jacob's Creek and had a wine tasting. We then drove to another winery Richmond Grove- which is very old and had another tasting. We had a BBQ and I ate kangaroo which tasted great, the meat was really succulent and tender. Although apparently it doesn't taste as good if you leave the meat any longer than 5 mins after it comes off the barby; goes all chewy.
We were all quite drunk by now and were singing songs on the bus. A crazy German girl hijacked the microphone for most of the journey to the next winery and came out with some awful jokes like: "Why is Dublin the biggest city in the world? Because it keeps dublin and dublin.."-really bad! Eventually I was forced to sing some Scottish songs by the 4 other Scottish girls on the tour (the tour guide just called us collectively "team Scotland". I sang "My bonnie lies over the ocean" and "Caledonia"!! I got a resounding applause although maybe that was because my singing was so bad!! The tour guide of the "Groovy Grape Tour" was called Matt and he was a character, told us lots of information about Australia etc and was quite funny (although he kept referring to a French girl as "froggy" which nearly caused a scene when she got angry!)
We had more wines and port at a Bavarian winery in a beautiful valley. We then drove to our final stop through the English town of Elizabeth and the Scottish town of Edinburgh situated a mile apart(which has an 18ft tacky Scottish piper!!)
It was a really great tour, I was really tired when I got back to the hostel and had to jump straight in a taxi to the airport to get my flight to Cairns.
The flight was ok apart from an Aboriginal toddler who screamed for half the flight seated right in front of me!!!
I arrived in Cairns at 10.30pm and it was 30c!! Crazy also there are mozzies everywhere but you can't avoid them in the tropics.
My hostel is really nice and seems more like a hotel than a hostel. There is a kiwi in my room who told me where I can sky dive in NZ for a great price (he assured me they're safe!!)
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