Neil's Round the World Trip!
We all got up early and drove to another nearby German settlement. We left Daniel in Puerto Varas (not intentionally, he'd had enough of us) he was 30 and a man of few words. One of these guys who answers every question in a monosylabic yes or no. He was exceptionally skinny and didn't eat very much. Yeah glad to be rid of him, he wasn't contributing to the tour; his banter was non-existent.
We then drove for hours in our dodgy tour bus which finally broke down. We were a few miles from a city called Temuco. The AA came out and towed us to a nearby checkpoint and we were then bundled into taxis and driven to the Las Heras Hostel in Temuco.
We were greeted by our friendly host. We sat around in the cold hostel and listened to music. The girls feeling a little envious of me and Nicks culinary effort the previous night decided to make a group meal. They decided to make vegetarian lasagne. Nick fell asleep and missed the meal (probably a good thing!) and also missed going out to the Kamaleon Club.
I had to pay to get in as I was the only guy in the group and girls get in free. We sat at a table and ordered drinks watching the karaoke on the dancefloor. It was hilarious watching people belt out Chilean classics. Katie kept getting hassled by Chilean guys (because of her blonde hair) eventually I had to tell them she was married as the lesbian excuse didn't seem to wash. We then danced to some salsa music once the karaoke had finished. Later they played cheesy pop like Cyndi Louper. A Chilean guy bought me a drink and chatted to me (the usual where u from etc) However he had an ulterior motive, to swop my Urban Outfitters t-shirt for a fake Brazil football shirt. I was having none of it and directed him to Becky. She managed to get the fake shirt for a peck on the cheek.
Meanwhile, Bridget was completely drunk, had pulled this horrible Chilean guy and then fell flat on her face. We had to drag her from the dancefloor and take her outside. Our night was over after that. Prade and our new bus and driver arrived outside. We bundled Bridget in and chatted to our new driver called Sergio. The new bus was modern and much better.
We were all pretty drunk, especially Rebecca who was shouting and running around like a mad woman. Rebecca and Katie had a stretch competition in the kitchen to see who was most flexible. It was a bit surreal drinking my tea and eating toast while 2 drunk girls are doing the splits on the kitchen floor at 4 in the morning!
While we were getting ready for bed in the toilet, Rebecca managed to poke me in the eye with her toothbrush which was agony. Bridget was put to bed while Rachael and Katie took turns running to the toilet to be sick!
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