Neil's Round the World Trip!
Everyone got up at 6am and we all got changed into our gear at the adventure centre. We were then driven up to the base of the mountain. There were two Israeli/ Americans, Tal and Adam who joined our group. We chatted to them on the way up and they were a good laugh.
We then hopped on a chairlift which took us further up the mountain. There were no safety bars on the chairlift and Nick was freaking out beside me. Once we reached the starting point, our French guide greeted us and we began the trek up the mountain. The ascent was quite difficult with lots of crumbly rock. An Australian girl called Caroline couldn't hack and was the first to bite the dust. Then the English girl, Rachael was next to go. Our group was dwindling with every resting point. However despite the tiring ascent and freezing cold winds everyone else made it to the summit. The views were amazing although the toxic fumes were terrible and made everyones throats sore.
The volcano is 2, 500ft high and so the air is thinner and obviously the snow and sun mean you can get burned very easily. Especially if you're a peely-wally Scotsman!
I had some banana sandwiches at the top and some great Chilean biscuits called FARC that are a bit like oreos. It was crazy around the volcano crust as there were sulphuric rocks just steaming out toxic fumes. It was cool you could strike them with your pick-axe and then all this steam would appear. We walked along some precarious ledges and then managed to get to a safe location on the icy snow around the summit.
An icy toboggan run has been carved into the snowy compressed ice that surrounds the volcano top. We got changed into our slide clothes (waterproof jumpsuits bit like MC Hammer) and then were given quick instructions on how to slide. Basically fall in the tunnel and then if you go too fast whack your pick-axe into the ice and hope it sticks!
It was fantastic and you reach speeds of 50mph! I had so much fun although I did end up with a few bruises and cuts, snow in my shoes and down my back but it was worth it! Half-way down the slide slowed and we walked down the remaining part of the volcano. I walked down with Rebecca (reminds me of Mel Sykes/Jenny Powell) who was on her own after her friend Rachael decided she didn't want to climb the volcano earlier.
We the drove back to Pucon where we had beers at the adventure centre. We then got changed and went out for a meal. I had a fairly average meal of salmon and potato mash. It was a funny meal, we had banter with the Swiss couple and then headed back to the hostel as we were going to be taken to ¨Los Pozones¨ hot springs. The springs were great, really warm and steamy. We had wine and beer in the hot springs and chatted for a few hours under the stars. It was surreal as you look up and are surrounded by Alpine forest and mountains. We then went back to our freezing hostel and I fell asleep immediatley absolutely knackered!
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